★Suffering from dirty strong supersonic attacks (39レス)

27: YAMAGUTIseisei 2019/04/24(水)10:21 ID:5ZbN1Z79Q(26/32) BE AAS
Comparison of brain-controlled robotic simulator using conventional and proposed SSVEP-BCIs: Table II demonstrates the merits of the proposed SSVEP-BCI over the conventional.
Even if the mean of the average speed from the proposed BCI is close to that of the conventional, the deviation of the box during the robotic movement in the proposed model is significantly lower than that of the conventional for increasing periods t9 .
Although the results for the decreasing periods had no statistical difference, the proposed model gave a lower box deviation.
The qualitative results in Figure 7 indicate that three out of ten subjects perform a comparison of the VPs from the proposed and conventional SSVEP-BCIs.
Capture of the brain-controlled robotic simulator in the delivery task is presented in Figure 8.
The speed of the robot varies according to the experimental protocol.


According to the experimental results, three main issues arise.
Firstly, the researchers summarize the promising aspects for further development of online brain-controlled robotics.
Secondly, an explanation is provided on how this study relates to on-going research.
Finally, the researchers express the ultimate goal in the development of online continuous SSVEP-BCIs to bridge the gap between man and machine.

Even if the mean of the speed from the proposed SSVEP-BCI is close to that of the conventional, the deviation of the box during the movement in the proposed model is lower than that of the conventional for increasing periods (t(9)=4.76, p<0.05).
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