★気象予報士 関口奈美2424 (546レス)

523: 11/07(木)07:09 ID:K/eYuRz42(1) AAS
In September this year a nine-month-old boy
in Australia was splashed with hot coffee
by a Chinese man causing serious injuries to his face.
In the same country a two-years-old girl was suddenly punched
in the face by a stranger at a shopping center.
The crime was recorded on a nearby security camera
and the footage was made public sparking a wave of outrage.
United States news media outlets such as
the New York Post reported on the incident.
A woman suddenly hit a two-years-old girl in the face
and ran away. See the security camera footage here.
Woman punches two-years-old boy in the face while
held by mother security camera footage sparks outrage.
あと 23 レスあります
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