★気象予報士 関口奈美2424 (392レス)

371: 09/14(土)05:25 ID:eDmsOVNLR(1) AAS
On the twelfth it was learned that Shimada Manufacturing
a manufacturer of hearing aids for the hearing impaired
received a bankruptcy filing decision from the Takasaki branch of
the Maebashi District Court. The filing was dated the third.
According to Teikoku Databank's Gunma branch the amount of
debt is approximately one hundred twenty-nine million yen
as of the October two thousand twenty-three period.
This amount may have fluctuated since then.
 The company was founded
in one thousand nine hundred seventy and reorganized
372: 09/14(土)12:30 ID:WGO2VvZTp(1) AAS
In an incident where a lower grade student had
an allergic reaction after lunch in September at
a municipal elementary school in Joetsu City Niigata Prefecture.
It was revealed through interviews with the city's Board of
Education that the school may not have given the student
medicine according to the manual despite the student's
suspicion of developing the condition. The city's Board of
Education plans to investigate the circumstances
and make them public. In a two thousand twenty-three
incident at an elementary school in Joetsu City.
373: 09/14(土)22:26 ID:jd8JM+PG9(1) AAS
It was learned on the thirteenth that Kazama Molds
a plastic mold designer and manufacturer received
a decision to commence bankruptcy proceedings
from the Maebashi District Court. The decision was dated the fifth.
According to Teikoku Databank's Ota branch
the total amount of liabilities is approximately
one hundred fifteen million yen. The company was founded
in one thousand nine hundred ninety and incorporated
in two thousand fourteen. It mainly produces products
for automobiles but also targets gaming machines
374: 09/14(土)23:59 ID:0T9zc5tUs(1) AAS
On the twelfth Tatebayashi City Gunma Prefecture announced
that a total of about one point three kilometers of
buried copper wire electrical cable had been stolen
from near the toilets in Matsunuma Kita Parking Lot
in Matsunuma Town the city. The damage amounted to
about five million yen in materials alone.
The city has stopped using the toilets because the lights
and flushing devices are no longer usable.
A damage report was filed with the Tatebayashi Police Station
by the same day.
375: 09/15(日)00:42 ID:xs06OZch/(1) AAS
Five-month-old baby dies at daycare facility suffocated
while face down. The facility has received administrative
guidance in the past for lack of staff.
Wakayama The baby who died was five-month-old The child.
Who was in the back seat of the car. The child is mother was
driving the car when it collided head-on with a utility pole.
The child was taken to the hospital but she had suffered
a severe head injury and was confirmed dead three hours later.
At the time the car was carrying The child her mother
a male acquaintance in his twenties and The child
376: 09/15(日)03:08 ID:1wu7Hmu55(1) AAS
On the twelfth Tatebayashi City, Gunma Prefecture announced
that a total of about one point three kilometers of buried
copper wire electrical cable had been stolen from near the toilets
in Matsunuma Kita Parking Lot in Matsunuma Town the city.
The damage amounted to about five million yen in materials alone.
The city has stopped using the toilets because the lights
and flushing devices are no longer usable. A damage report
was filed with the Tatebayashi Police Station by the same day.
 According to the city's Green Town Promotion Division
the two cables buried underground were stolen. On the morning of
377: 09/15(日)07:35 ID:abmuXjKHD(1) AAS
An agenda-setting and market-moving journalist.
Foo Yun Chee is a twenty-one-year veteran at Reuters.
Her stories on high profile mergers have pushed up
the European telecoms index lifted companies' shares
and helped investors decide on their next move.
Her knowledge and experience of European antitrust laws
and developments helped her break stories
on Microsoft Google Amazon Meta and Apple
numerous market-moving mergers and antitrust investigations.
She has previously reported on Greek politics and companies.
378: 09/15(日)21:28 ID:Dty0ygQnj(1) AAS
At around six twenty pm on the thirteenth
a nearby resident called one hundred nieteen to
report smoke coming from a public housing complex
in Shimonita Tamamura-cho Gunma Prefecture.
Part of the home of a woman (seventy-three-years-old)
a single-story wooden house with six rooms was burned.
The woman was taken to a hospital in Maebashi City
but was confirmed dead on the morning of the fourteenth.
Woman dies after being rushed to hospital after fire
at public housing in Tamamura of Gunma.
379: 09/16(月)07:40 ID:MZOfB9eN0(1) AAS
Gunma Prefectural Police Ota Station announced
on the thirteenth that a male
office worker (thirty-four-years-old) from Ota City had been
defrauded of five point zero five million yen worth of
crypto assets in a SNS-style romance scam that tricks victims
into giving them feelings of closeness and romance through social
networking sites and defrauding them of money.
The case is being investigated as a fraud case.
 According to the police, the man began contacting someone
he met on a dating app on social media in June.
380: 09/16(月)23:02 ID:GXITNF9UG(1) AAS
At three o'clock pm on the fifth of this month
the Norman Police Department in Oklahoma received
a call and officers rushed to the scene to
confirm the safety of the deceased.
A car was parked at the scene and the bodies of
two young girls were found inside the car.
The bodies were found to be the daughters of The man.
Who lives in the state and twins The child (Ariel two)
and The child (Avery two). The man had asked a relative to
take Ariel and Avery to daycare that day.
381: 09/17(火)00:39 ID:6bHpOxkY9(1) AAS
The city confirmed the facts during a regular inspection.
The center was given a verbal warning
for not providing appropriate childcare.
The city is considering whether to instruct the center
in accordance with the Child Welfare Act. According to the city
the newborn infant with hand, foot and mouth
disease symptoms was moved to the office and placed
in a cardboard box until the guardian came to pick him up.
The center explained that the infant's symptoms were severe
and that the child was only kept in the cardboard box
382: 09/17(火)05:20 ID:8adjxub1o(1) AAS
At around six ten am on the fifteenth
a woman (eighty-four-years-old)
from Maebashi City Gunma Prefecture was crossing
the road on her bicycle. When she was hit
by a light truck driven by a male company
executive (sixty-nine-years-old) coming from the right
at a crossroads on a city road in Nonaka-cho Maebashi City.
The woman sustained serious injuries including fractured
ribs and a traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage.
 According to the prefectural police's
383: 09/18(水)06:28 ID:R7xkTvrZN(1) AAS
At around one thirty pm on the sixteenth a car driven
by a female part-time worker (sixty-one-years-old)
from Nakano Ward Tokyo crashed into a guardrail
on the left side of the road ahead on National Route seventeen
in Shinmaki Minakami Town Gunma Prefecture.
Her mother (eighty-seven-years-old) from Kiyose City Tokyo.
Who was in the passenger seat died and the female was also injured.
 According to the Numata Police Station the accident occurred
on a single lane road with a gentle right curve.
The woman was heading toward Niigata.
384: 09/19(木)06:26 ID:MkGGTxFCZ(1) AAS
Gunma Prefectural Police received two hundred fifty-three
consultations regarding child abuse in the first half of
two thousand twenty-four exceeding two hundred fifty
for the fifth consecutive year according to
a summary compiled by the prefectural police
on the thirteenth. It's adults in the vicinity notice anything
unusual please do not hesitate to provide information.
Two hundred fifty-three child
abuse consultations in first half of
the year down seven percent
385: 09/20(金)04:49 ID:qU2plOESS(1) AAS
According to the police station
and the city's Green City Promotion Division
only one CVT cable for power transmission was stolen.
At around noon on the seventeenth a citizen contacted
the city to say that the vending machine was not working.
When a management company commissioned
by the city investigated. They found that the cable
had been cut and was missing. It appears that the cable was
cut using some kind of tool from a nearby manhole.
No abnormalities were found until around ten o'clock am
386: 09/21(土)00:09 ID:VXBMTS41C(1) AAS
The boy was attacked by a man on his way to school yesterday
the eighteenth and was injured and was undergoing treatment
at the hospital. He was a student at the Japanese school
but he passed away in the early hours of the nineteenth.
I cannot express in words how I feel for his family.
The boy was stabbed in the abdomen and the family was described
as extremely exhausted and truly pitiful. The incident occurred
on the eighteenth. When a ten-year-old boy was stabbed
with a knife by a forty-four-years-old man while attending
a Japanese school in Shenzhen. The boy was walking to
387: 09/21(土)02:27 ID:Bv7lUtm5p(1) AAS
Two twelve-years-old children attending an elementary school
in Yonago city were rushed to hospital with suspected heat stroke
and they reportedly felt unwell during practice for a sports day
at around eleven o'clock am Both were suspected of having
mild heat stroke. In Kurayoshi city a woman in her nineties
was found by her family unable to move in her room
and was rushed to hospital at around three o'clock pm.
The woman had symptoms of dementia and the air conditioner
in her room was not turned on. In addition a man in his fifties
was rushed to hospital while working indoors in Tottori city
388: 09/21(土)06:50 ID:FEw6RYubP(1) AAS
On the eighteenth interviews with firefighters and others revealed
that between the seventh and thirteenth. There were four small fires
in Sakata Oizumi Town Gunma Prefecture caused
by outdoor garbage burning.
No one was injured in any of the fires.
As the source of ignition has not been found. There is a possibility that
the fires were suspicious and the Oizumi Fire Department
and the town's fire brigade are stepping up their vigilance.
The Gunma Prefectural Police Oizumi Station is investigating
the cause of the fires, including the possibility of arson.
389: 09/21(土)21:09 ID:3xLNbJU6I(1) AAS
On the nineteenth Isesaki City Gunma Prefecture
announced that expired measles-rubella combined
vaccines were mistakenly administered to
ten young children during the city's
routine vaccination program.
The vaccines' expiration dates had been exceeded
by one to twenty-seven days. At this time none of
the children are experiencing any health problems.
 According to the Health Promotion Division
between August thirty-one and September eleven expired
390: 09/22(日)03:43 ID:a2Jp+LwqU(1) AAS
It was learned on the twentieth that furniture manufacturer
and retailer Kaguoka received a decision to commence
bankruptcy proceedings from the Maebashi District Court.
The decision was dated the tenth. According to
Teikoku Databank's Gunma branch the amount of
debt is approximately thirty-four million yen.
 The company was founded
in one thousand nine hundred niety-eight
and incorporated in two thousand eleven.
It manufactured tables dining chairs sofas
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