気象予報士 関口奈美2424 (392レス)

333: 08/23(金)05:31 ID:wJCiAuCX5(1) AAS
Gunma Prefecture announced on the twenty-first
that thirty-six men and women aged between twenty
and ninety have developed food poisoning caused
by Staphylococcus aureus after eating ohagi made
and sold by Yamaguchi Shokuhin a Japanese confectionery store
in the east of Kiryu City Gunma Prefecture.
Five people were hospitalized but all are said to be recovering.
The prefecture has suspended the store
for three days until the twenty-third. According to the announcement
the ohagi were produced between the thirteenth and fourteenth.
334: 08/23(金)22:59 ID:h9WR1VrLJ(1) AAS
The accident occurred around eleven ten am
on the eighteenth on National Route two hundred sixty-three
in Higashi-Iribu Sawara Ward. A light passenger vehicle collided
with a Nishi-Nippon Railroad route bus killing
a second-grader (seven-years-old) and his younger sister (five-years-old)
from a nearby elementary school who were believed to
have been in the back seat of the light passenger vehicle.
 According to investigators the two were wearing seat belts
and were not thrown from their seats and there was no external bleeding
but they suffered severe abdominal injuries and internal bleeding.
335: 08/24(土)03:52 ID:oKiSkNDmw(1) AAS
On the twenty-first the Gunma Prefectural Police Ota Station arrested
an unemployed woman (thirty-seven-years-old) from Yokohama City
on suspicion of obstruction of business by fraudulent means.
 The suspect is accused of making a total of
four hundred twenty-four calls to the Prefectural Eastern Agricultural Office
between around eleven twenty am on June seventeen
and around four ten pm on July twenty-five regarding
matters unrelated to work such as I was forced to resign
because bad rumors were being spread about me
thereby disrupting the work of the office's staff
336: 08/24(土)15:29 ID:BfTPrj6EL(1) AAS
At around eight twenty-five pm on the twenty-third
a one hundred nineteen call was made reporting
a fire at a house in Nitta Kizakicho Ota City Gunma Prefecture.
According to the Ota City Fire Department the fire had spread to
five other buildings including a nearby house and a storage shed
in addition to the house. As of ten fifty pm, firefighting
efforts were still ongoing. One person was transported to
a hospital in the city due to the fire.
 A nearby man in his sixties. I was asleep when I heard a cracking sound.
I think it was an old wooden house where an elderly man lived alone.
337: 08/24(土)18:36 ID:7Sf5OYpFt(1) AAS
Since fiscal two thousand twenty-three
the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan has received
forty-three cases of burns caused by hair irons many of
which were cases where children touched the iron
after their parents had used it and has issued a warning to
keep the iron out of reach of children. According to the center
of the forty-three cases reported to the medical institution
network operated jointly with the Consumer Affairs Agency
the majority were one-years-olds
and thirty cases were zero-two-years-olds accounting
338: 08/25(日)02:56 ID:xfVCjk3hT(1) AAS
 On the twenty-second the Gunma Prefectural Police sent
a male driver (sixty-nine-years-old) from Yoshioka Town.
Who was arrested on suspicion of violating the Road Traffic Act to
the Maebashi District Public Prosecutors Office for drunk driving
on National Route seventeen Jyobu Road in Isesaki City Gunma Prefecture.
When he crashed his truck into oncoming traffic
and killed three people in a station wagon including a parent and child.
 The suspect is accused of crashing his truck into the center divider
and becoming uncontrollable while under the influence of alcohol
on the Jobu Road in Sakaikami Yajima Isesaki City
339: 08/25(日)06:37 ID:ug0b/Zw2a(1) AAS
Gunma Prefecture announced on the twenty-first
that thirty-six men and women in their twenties to nineties living
in Kiryu City Midori City and six other cities in and around the prefecture
had complained of vomiting diarrhea and other symptoms after eating
rice balls made by Yamaguchi Shokuhin a confectionery store
in the east of Kiryu City. Staphylococcus aureus was detected
in the patients and in the store's cooking utensils.
It was determined that the store was the cause of the food poisoning
and the store was ordered to suspend business for three days
from the twenty-first. According to the prefecture's Food
340: 08/26(月)04:32 ID:IdDBAavoG(1) AAS
At around six twenty pm on the twenty-third a passenger
in his seventies who was trying to board a two-car local train bound
for Takasaki from Koma River at JR Hachiko Line Orihara Station
in Yorii Town Saitama Prefecture fell onto the tracks between
the train and the platform. The passenger was transported by ambulance
but is said to be in good condition.
 According to JR East Takasaki Branch the passenger got off the train
but then realised he had got off at the wrong station
and was trying to get back on.
 Trains resumed service at six fifty pm.
341: 08/26(月)23:01 ID:2ZU+b8leb(1) AAS
Are harnesses for children cruel?
Cases where they are necessary and points to note based
on accidents that have occurred.
Have you ever heard of a child harness? It is a product that has
a strap attached to a child's backpack or similar and is held by the parent.
A few years ago a morning news program aired a street interview
in which a person. It's like a pet leash. Which caused controversy.
This has been a topic of discussion not only in Japan but also overseas
and in two thousand seventeen a father was subjected to criticism
from many strangers after posting a photo on Facebook of
342: 08/27(火)03:37 ID:msmGbA1UZ(1) AAS
On the twenty-fifth JR East announced that due to the approach of
Typhoon No. ten. There is a possibility of significant delays and cancellations
on all Shinkansen trains particularly the Joetsu
and Hokuriku Shinkansen lines from the twenty-eighth to the twenty-ninth.
 In an announcement on the morning of the twenty-fourth
the company said that services could be affected
from the twenty-seventh to the twenty-eighth
but has now revised its forecast based on the latest course predictions.
 There is a planned suspension of service details will be announced
as soon as they are decided. Operation information can be found
343: 08/28(水)05:47 ID:DYjcBHuZu(1) AAS
The atmospheric conditions became unstable
and heavy rain fell in the mountainous areas along the border of
Gunma and Tochigi prefectures until the morning of the twenty-sixth.
The impact was such that the Watarase Valley Railway suspended
operations in some sections.
 According to the Utsunomiya Regional Meteorological Observatory
two hundred twenty-one mm of rain was observed
in Ashio Nikko City Tochigi Prefecture from the morning of
the twenty-fourth.
when the rain began to six o'clock am on the twenty-sixth.
344: 08/28(水)16:38 ID:zv7iwuHC+(1) AAS
A shocking report was published that many people
became sick while swimming at Todoroki Falls in Amakusa City
and that the cause was likely the river water.
At this time of year there are many other reports of
food poisoning circulating and many people are
probably taking great care on a daily basis.
Whose child is this? Mother-in-law goes crazy over blood type differences
after long-awaited marriage and childbirth.
I'm type O my husband is type B but my child is type A.
The heartbreaking cry of a wife in her forties
345: 08/28(水)21:53 ID:xHbXp0mpP(1) AAS
At around eight twenty pm on the twenty-second a woman passing
by the home of a seventy-four-years-old male temporary worker
in Nitta Kizaki-cho Ota City Gunma Prefecture called
one hundred nineteen to report that
a fire had broken out in a warehouse.
A wooden one-story house of about seven hundred square meters
a wooden one-story building of about sixty square meters
and three storage buildings totaling about seventy-five square meters
were completely burned and part of the wooden one-story building of
about sixty square meters was also burned.
346: 08/29(木)05:12 ID:ad1pT0KCe(1) AAS
 In the early hours of the twenty-sixth a landslide occurred
on National Route one hundred twenty-two
in Higashimachi Midori City Gunma Prefecture.
It is believed to have been caused by heavy rain
and soil and sand covered parts of the road surface
in two places on the national route.
 According to the Kiryu Civil Engineering Office of
the prefecture traffic was temporarily restricted to
one direction at these two locations and restrictions were lifted
by eleven o'clock am on the same day.
347: 08/30(金)04:36 ID:tI0+rOXX6(1) AAS
The atmospheric conditions in Gunma Prefecture are expected to
become unstable from the afternoon of
the twenty-eighth to the evening
and some areas are expected to experience heavy
rain accompanied by thunderstorms.
The Maebashi Regional Meteorological Observatory is calling
for caution against landslides, flooding and rising river levels.
 According to the meteorological observatory the influence of
the very strong Typhoon No. ten is causing warm and humid air to
flow over Gunma Prefecture making rain more likely.
348: 08/31(土)06:35 ID:k1ecHVDdp(1) AAS
Anamizu Elementary School was severely damaged
by the Noto Peninsula earthquake.
Before the start of the second
semester the children went to the temporary school building
for the first time and were excited about their new school.
Anamizu Elementary School has a total of
one hundred thirty-seven students.
On the twenty-ninth the first day of school
the children went to school in the temporary school building.
The original school building was cracked
349: 08/31(土)22:25 ID:wmcuJNDOw(1) AAS
A little after four o'clock pm
on the thirtieth a five-car express train
on the JR Agatsuma Line bound for Ueno
from Naganohara-Kusatsuguchi struck a fallen tree
while traveling between Gunma-Haramachi
and Nakanojo causing the train to stop. No one was injured.
The express train underwent a vehicle inspection
and resumed service but Agatsuma Line temporarily suspended
both inbound and outbound service between Nakanojo
and Omae to remove the fallen tree
350: 09/01(日)03:04 ID:fnDTJXF/l(1) AAS
Maebashi City issued a Level three evacuation alert
for Mount Akagi in Fujimi Town and the Oodo area of
??Mount Akagi in Fujimi Town at four forty-five pm
on the thirtieth citing the increased risk of landslides due to
heavy rain caused by the approach of Typhoon No. ten.
 The target is three hundred ninety-one households
and six hundred eighty-four people in both districts.
The elderly children and people with disabilities.
Who have difficulty evacuating smoothly
on their own are encouraged to evacuate early.
351: 09/02(月)05:57 ID:axpV1LgtL(1) AAS
The pros and cons of the COVID-nineteen pandemic for education.
How has the COVID-nineteen pandemic changed school education?
Children have lost learning opportunities
and many problems have become worse than before COVID-nineteen.
For example children's emotional well-being has been affected
by the huge disruption to school life. This is a very unique situation
and will take a long time to recover. It may be difficult to fully grasp
how the COVID-nineteen pandemic has changed children's mental health
but I think the impact will continue
for the next fifteen to twenty years.
352: 09/03(火)05:25 ID:OSL+5GG9p(1) AAS
On the thirty-first the Gunma Prefectural Police Shibukawa Station
announced that an eighty-two-years-old woman
in Shibukawa City received a false phone call
from someone pretending to be a police officer
and had three cash cards stolen. A total of one million yen
in cash was withdrawn from multiple accounts on the same day.
The case is being investigated as a theft.
 According to the police station at around nine thirty am
on the same day a man posing as a police officer called.
Employees at the post office and credit unions are illegally with
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