ŠΦŒϋ“ή”ό@“ή”ό“V555 (392Ϊ½)
’Šo‰πœ •KŽ€Αͺ―Ά°(ŠΘˆΥ”Ε) Ϊ½žx ‚ ‚ځ[‚ρ

160: 05/23(–Ψ)05:25 ID:/ApveEZJY(1) AAS
I got irritated and threw a rock. Video taken in a residential area in Maebashi City
Gunma Prefecture. Immediately after an elderly man standing
at the corner of the intersection waved his right hand.
I heard a sound like something hitting a car. A man threw a stone. Looking at the footage again.
It can be seen that the moment the oncoming car passed the man's right hand was moving
from bottom to top as if he was throwing something. The car was damaged by the stones thrown
and repairs will cost about three hundred thousand yen. Why did the elderly man do this?
When asked the injured driver said he was angry at another car and threw a stone in retaliation.
Which accidentally hit him. The driver who was stoned. The jeep that passed by me was close to
me so I got irritated and threw the stone. The driver was completely taken aback
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