★関口奈美 奈美天555 (392レス)

163: 05/25(土)06:20 ID:sdw7JCDIT(1) AAS
Power outage in Gunma Prefecture's Minakami town due to
repair work following a dump truck accident the previous day.
According to the Gunma Branch of Tokyo Electric Power Company Power Grid
about six hundred ninety homes in Minakami Town Gunma Prefecture have been
without power since around nine thirty-five am on the twenty-third.
This is due to repair work being carried out following an accident the previous day
in which a dump truck collided with a utility pole in the town.
Power outage in Gunma Prefecture's Minakami town due to
repair work following a dump truck accident the previous day.
164: 05/26(日)06:40 ID:rIvBioaSs(1) AAS
At around four fifty-five pm on the twenty-third a thirty-two-years-old man
from Hanawa Higashi-cho Midori City Gunma Prefecture called one hundred nineteen
from an employee of the Midori City Higashi Branch Office reporting that black smoke was rising.
The fire burned a two-story wooden house and was extinguished
around seven thirty pm on the same day. No one was injured.
 The scene of the fire was about three hundred meters northeast of the Higashi Branch Office.
According to the Prefectural Police Kiryu Police Station the man lived alone.
He was not at home at the time of the fire. The station is investigating
the cause of the fire.Building fire in Midori City of Gunma no injuries.
165: 05/26(日)21:17 ID:6sTw+H0k2(1) AAS
The first time I visited a fertility clinic was when I was thirty-eight-years-old.
I chose a clinic that was between my home and work so I wouldn't have to waste time.
At that time I worked long hours from morning until night and I often had to work
on weekends and holidays. Still. I managed to juggle work, took advantage of
my company's flextime and went to the clinic.
At first I was skeptical that I would be able to get pregnant right away after starting treatment.
But I couldn't conceive using the timing method and artificial insemination also didn't work.
Despite undergoing various tests, the cause of my infertility could not be determined.
Due to her age her doctor recommended in vitro fertilization.
In vitro fertilization is an expensive treatment so I was a little hesitant
166: 05/27(月)05:12 ID:i5u+HXWN9(1) AAS
A former deputy mayor (seventy-years-old) of Maebashi City Gunma Prefecture, who was charged
with aggravated bribery and other crimes in a case of bid-rigging and bribery involving
construction work ordered by the city was sentenced to two and a half years in prison suspended
for four years a fine of sixty-eight thousand three hundred fifty-five yen
and the confiscation of one bottle of shochu. The ruling was finalized on the twenty-fourth.
Neither the prosecution nor the defense appealed.
 According to the ruling, between May two thousand twenty
and January two thousand twenty-one the former deputy mayor leaked the planned
construction price. Which was not public at the time to two local companies thereby obstructing
fair bidding. In return for disclosing the price, he received a total of
167: 05/28(火)05:16 ID:zS2n2UKSY(1) AAS
The Gunma Prefectural Police Maebashi Station announced on the twenty-fifth that
a female office worker (seventy-four-years-old) from Takasaki City received a false phone call
from someone pretending to be a telecommunications company employee and was defrauded of
seventeen point forty-five million yen in cash. The case is being investigated as a fraud case.
 According to the police station at around five o'clock pm on November seven last year
the woman received a phone call from someone posing as a telecommunications company employee.
You have an outstanding payment for a website. Your phone has been infected
with a virus and other people have also been affected. You will be asked to pay compensation.
The woman then transferred a total of seventeen point forty-five million yen to
the specified account in fifty-four transfers.
168: 05/29(水)05:05 ID:OFvNJX6dI(1) AAS
A fifty-nine-years-old man was seriously injured after falling off
a motorcycle in Ota City of Gunma Prefecture.
At around one forty-five pm on the twenty-fifth a man ( fifty-nine-years-old)
a company employee from Higashimurayama City Tokyo fell off his motorcycle
on National Route seventeen in Serada-cho Ota City Gunma Prefecture.
The man was taken to a hospital in Ota City but sustained serious injuries including broken ribs.
According to the Gunma Prefectural Police Ota Station, the accident occurred on a two-lane overpass.
A man passing by called one hundred ten. The station is currently investigating
the exact cause of the accident.A fifty-nine-years-old man was seriously injured after falling off
a motorcycle in Ota City of Gunma Prefecture.
169: 05/30(木)05:40 ID:ozTxnL4Yv(1) AAS
At around six o'clock am on the twenty-seventh a security guard found smoke coming from the chemistry lab
at Nodai Second High School in Ishihara-cho Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture and called one hundred nineteen.
The Takasaki City Wide Fire Department responded to the fire, and the fire was put out about twenty-five minutes later.
One security guard inhaled smoke and was taken to hospital. No students were injured.
According to the school the fire alarm went off and a security guard who rushed to the scene found smoke coming
from a trash can in the chemistry lab, and called one hundred nineteen. The classroom was empty at the time.
The security guard who was taken to the hospital then returned to work.
Classes were held as usual.Smoke emerges from chemistry lab
at Nodai Second High School in early morning in Takasaki of Gunma.
170: 05/30(木)23:40 ID:W1cGdZt/C(1) AAS
171: 05/31(金)05:38 ID:2HZlMP2sV(1) AAS
A research group including Gunma University has announced  that antibodies contained
in mouse breast milk can reach the brains of offspring, potentially affecting their development
and sociality. Genetically modified mice that are prevented from receiving antibodies
have fewer specific nerve cells in their brains than normal mice, and they have been found to
show prolonged contact with their paired mice. They hope to continue research on humans
in the future to clarify in detail the role that antibodies in breast milk play in the brain.
 Normally in both humans and mice antibodies in breast milk are passed to the child through
the epithelial cells of the placenta and small intestine by the action of the FcRn protein
and are said to enhance immunity in the blood. A research group led by
Associate Professor Tetsushi Sadakata of the Education and Research Support Center attached to
172: 06/01(土)05:31 ID:99hPS+ytD(1) AAS
Fire breaks out at izakaya restaurant in Takasaki of Gunma.
At around eleven thirty-five pm on the twenty-ninth a person in a hotel
in Yashima-cho Takasaki City Gunma Prefecture called one hundred nineteen to report
that the sprinklers were working inside the building. According to the Takasaki City
and Regional Fire Department the fire is believed to have started at an izakaya on the first floor of
the hotel. No injuries have been confirmed. As of twelve zero five am on the thirtieth
firefighting efforts were still ongoing. A female employee at a nearby restaurant looked worried.
Fire trucks started arriving around eleven thirty. It's scary
when something like this happens so close to home.
Fire breaks out at izakaya restaurant in Takasaki of Gunma.
173: 06/02(日)04:45 ID:s4x0crmNQ(1) AAS
On the thirtieth Gunma Prefecture announced that a poisonous female redback spider
a designated invasive species was found on the grounds of a private home in Isesaki City.
This is the thirteenth confirmed case in Gunma Prefecture since February in Maebashi City.
The spider has already been exterminated and no human injuries have been reported.
 According to the prefecture a resident discovered the spider near a concrete block piled up
on the boundary with his neighbor's house that day
and crushed it. The prefecture sent a photo taken by the resident to
an expert who examined it and confirmed that it was a redback spider. The prefecture and city investigated
the area around the discovery site but no other individuals were found.
 Female redback spiders are about one cm long and black with a red band-like pattern on the back of
174: 06/03(月)04:47 ID:+zqdAZell(1) AAS
On the thirty-first Shibukawa City in Gunma Prefecture announced that when it sent an email to
three hundred twenty-one member businesses of the city's digital local currency ShibuPay
the email was sent in a way that revealed the email addresses of all the businesses resulting in a leak.
The incident was caused by an error during the sending process and as of that day, no damage had been reported.
According to the city's Digital Transformation Promotion Division on May seventeenth
a department employee sent the email in β℃凸 format, which hides the addresses of other recipients
but instead sent it in a way that allowed each recipient to see all destinations. Another employee realized the error
the same day. They apologized to each business via email and phone and requested that the email be deleted.
 Normally before sending an email the employee checks for any errors together with other employees
but this time the employee worked alone. The city is also considering system-related measures such as
175: 06/04(火)04:59 ID:sAs0kmbOo(1) AAS
The Mt. Asama Volcano Disaster Prevention Council made up of local governments surrounding
Mt. Asama on the border between Gunma and Nagano prefectures has put together
a wide-area evacuation plan in the event of an eruption. It envisions a major eruption that occurs
once every few hundred years such as the Tennin eruption in one thousand one hundred eight
and the Tenmei eruption in one thousand seven hundred eighty-three. It has estimated
the number of evacuees for each volcanic phenomenon such as volcanic ash and large volcanic rocks
and outlined the response of related agencies such as traffic restrictions.
In the future, target local governments such as Naganohara Town and Tsumagoi Village will reflect this
in their own evacuation plans, but coordination of accommodation facilities will remain a challenge.
 The plan covers the two towns and villages as well as the six surrounding cities towns
176: 06/04(火)23:10 ID:1wHJgaF90(1) AAS
Late last month The woman who lives in Utah posted a before and after pregnancy video
on TikTok that was viewed more than seventeen point three million times in just six days.
What caught people's attention was The woman is pregnancy nose.
The woman found out she was pregnant when she was a fourth-year university student
and in videos of her pregnancy her nose was wide and wide making her look like
a completely different person. Viewers of the video were surprised. Does a nose really change
that much? What on earth is going on? It has already been a month since The woman gave birth to
her daughter and her nose has returned to one hundred percent normal three weeks after giving birth.
In fact British news media The Sun introduced a before and after video of
TikToker The woman is pregnancy in early May drawing attention to her large bulbous nose.
177: 06/05(水)05:50 ID:HHpojGcbE(1) AAS
On the third Mayor Iwai Hitoshi of Annaka City visited the prefectural office and submitted an urgent petition to
Governor Yamamoto Ichita regarding the prevention of human casualties in relation to the case.
Where a bear broke into a house in Annaka City Gunma Prefecture and attacked a couple in their seventies
Who lived there both of whom were seriously injured. He requested five points, including
thorough notification of beekeeping. Which is believed to have been an indirect cause of the attack while at home
and the creation of a response manual in cooperation with the prefecture local government, and police.
According to the Annaka Police Station of the Gunma Prefectural Police at around twelve twenty am
on May thirty-one an adult bear about one meter long broke into a house in Matsuida-cho Gunma City
and attacked a part-time worker (seventy-four-years-old) and his unemployed wife ( seventy-two-years-old).
The man suffered serious head injuries and the wife broke her right arm. Neither of the victims were in any danger of
178: 06/05(水)17:38 ID:n7XClm/iQ(1) AAS
At the age of forty-five.
I unexpectedly became a mother of twins! inconvenient pregnancy life.
I started undergoing infertility treatment when I was in my late thirties.
She goes to the hospital while working. During treatment, she experienced stillbirths
and miscarriages and had to stop treatment but after several years of recuperation
she resumed treatment. At the clinic I transferred to IVF progressed smoothly
and two fertilized eggs were returned to the uterus during the transplant.
I wasn't surprised since the doctor had told me that there was a possibility
that I might be having twins but when I found out I was actually pregnant
with twins I was suddenly filled with anxiety. I was forty-five-years-old.
179: 06/05(水)18:10 ID:g1VFf/P31(1) AAS
/y0utu.be/4FbzSL3jEn072 /i.imgur.com/Qqlqw94.jpg
180: 06/06(木)00:55 ID:gTIUn7Rio(1) AAS
181: 06/06(木)05:21 ID:irHoCDGuR(1) AAS
According to the city, wild boar sightings had fluctuated between eleven and twelve per year
for the three years up until last year. This year the number had already reached eleven as of
the third. In particular there have been successive sightings of wild boars recently
at around six or seven am near JR Shibukawa Station and in downtown areas with many houses.
 The city government has been widely disseminating information about wild animal sightings
and warnings via email and LINE. In the past, when wild animals were spotted in areas related to
elementary and junior high schools the Environment and Forestry Division contacted each school directly.
 Because there were cases where it was not possible to contact the school because it was early
in the morning the city board of education was added to the communication system.
By using a unified communication system between the city board of education schools
182: 06/06(木)14:56 ID:9JeJmdofN(1) AAS
On this day Sekiguchi revealed about his daughter. She developed a fever on Monday night
and by Tuesday the temperature exceeded forty degrees. Like my son I thought it was a sudden rash
so I didn't go to the hospital. It's explanation.
 Even if I give her her favorite bread and juice she won't accept it at all.
It's explaining her daughter's condition. Yes her throat seems to be hurting.
Even swallowing her saliva hurts and her clothes are soaked with saliva. That's why.
I don't drink anything so I was worried about dehydration so I was thinking of going to the pediatrician.
when I looked at the clock. It was six zero five pm. The hospital had just finished. I was told it was a reception desk.
 When I looked up the doctor on duty, it was a thirty to forty minute drive each way.
In the end I decided to do it the next day so I decided to go the next morning.
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