★関口奈美 奈美天555 (392レス)

126: 05/05(日)04:17 ID:XVqXKxTa5(1) AAS
Under the title Announcement. I have recently given birth to my third child.
I am now in my sixth month of pregnancy and my condition has stabilized so I would like to inform you.
My eldest daughter and second daughter talk to and chew my unborn baby every day.
They are so adorable she wrote and posted a photo of her two daughters kissing her belly.
I hope that the baby will be born healthy and I would like to spend the rest of
my maternity life peacefully and sent a message to her fans. I hope that you will continue to
watch over me warmly. Marutaka also announced her pregnancy on her own YouTube channel.
My sisters are so cute that I wasn't thinking about having a third child
but one day I was talking to my husband and asked him what we would do for a third child
and he immediately. I want one. He revealed the conversation between the couple.
127: 05/06(月)04:53 ID:5q4d5/XUf(1) AAS
I'm going to squeeze your breasts now.
That's what the midwife said to me while I was sleeping after my caesarean section.
I use the bed's reclining function and can barely get up.
The midwife simply. Starting today, give your baby your breast every three to three
and a half hours. From now on start expressing the colostrum.
But how long does it take to produce the colostrum? It took a while and it was painful.
The midwife squeezed out only fifteen cc of breast milk.
The midwife quickly disappeared into the NICU where the twins were being admitted
but I was left moaning for a while due to the scars on my stomach and the pain in my nipples.
Breastfeeding equals pain. My first breastfeeding experience was such a terrible experience.
128: 05/07(火)05:46 ID:hM/qyHDay(1) AAS
Gunma Prefectural Police Maebashi Police Station announced on the twenty-fourth
that a sixty-nine-years-old self-employed man in Maebashi City was defrauded of
forty point seven million yen in cash through an SNS-type investment scam
in which people make investment offers on social networking sites
and defraud them of cash. It announced. He is investigating it as a fraud case.
 According to the police between early January and April ten last year
the man received messages from unknown people on social media saying things like.
Nice to meet you. I live overseas. I made a profit of $ three eight hundred
from a gold investment. I received the message and joined the investment group on SNS.
He listened to investment stories from members pretending to be economists
129: 05/07(火)21:59 ID:FzOIFpHW+(1) AAS
There is growing concern about a measles outbreak in Japan.
Since February two thousand twenty-four patients have been confirmed one after another mainly
in the Kansai region and the possibility of the virus being brought in from overseas cannot be ruled
out after the long holidays so caution is required. Measles also known as measles is known to be
highly contagious. Initial symptoms such as fever cough and nasal discharge appear
about ten days to two weeks after infection. Afterwards a high fever of thirty-nine °C or higher
and a systemic rash appear. In addition there are cases where pneumonia and otitis media occur
as complications and in some cases, encephalitis may develop so caution is required.
I shared an elevator with an infected person and was told that symptoms might develop
within ten days and that's exactly what happened. After three days of fever
130: 05/08(水)05:56 ID:UvvBFP3U2(1) AAS
My son first had a fever when he was nine months old.
He went to the hospital received medicine and returned home
but he continued to have a high fever and was feeling exhausted.
It is said that he was unable to make eye contact and seemed to be in a daze.
Then he started having convulsions and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance.
The ambulance his body ripples and he spits out foam. The name of the disease the doctor gave
me was biphasic acute encephalopathy with status convulsions. Biphasic acute encephalopathy
with status convulsions is a disease discovered in Japan that causes convulsions
and brain damage triggered by sudden rashes or infectious diseases such as influenza .
This is the most common type of acute encephalopathy associated with infection in children
131: 05/08(水)22:59 ID:MtuUqhSGU(1) AAS
Collision between passenger car and light passenger car Ota City of Gunma Prefecture.
At around eleven forty-five am on the seventh. There was an accident in which a passenger car
and a light vehicle collided on a city road in Arai-cho Ota City Gunma Prefecture.
 According to the city fire department. There was one driver in each vehicle.
Who was injured but conscious. Traffic was restricted near the scene and there was some commotion
for a while.Collision between passenger car and light passenger car Ota City of Gunma Prefecture.
Collision between passenger car and light passenger car Ota City of Gunma Prefecture.
At around eleven forty-five am on the seventh. There was an accident in which a passenger car
and a light vehicle collided on a city road in Arai-cho Ota City Gunma Prefecture.
132: 05/09(木)05:43 ID:TX6azrE9H(1) AAS
On the morning of the twenty-eighth a seven-years-old boy riding in a stroller was hit by a car
in Ikaho Town Gunma Prefecture and suffered serious injuries including subarachnoid hemorrhage.
At around ten thirty am on the twenty-eighth a seven-years-old boy riding a stroller was hit
by a car on a prefectural road in Ikaho Town Gunma Prefecture. According to police
it appears that the boy was with his mother at the time of the accident
but the stroller the boy was riding in went down a hill and into the road, causing a car driven
by a fifty-five-years-old veterinarian to drive by. It means that it collided with.
The boy was conscious and taken to the hospital, but he suffered serious injuries
that included a subarachnoid hemorrhage and a broken bone in his right leg.
The scene is a prefectural road with one lane in each direction and police are investigating
133: 05/10(金)05:00 ID:R9wkLvRt7(1) AAS
Around two o'clock pm on the twenty-eighth a ninety-one-years-old man
from Tenjin-cho Kiryu City Gunma Prefecture received a nine hundred eleven call
from nearby residents saying that his storeroom was on fire. The approximately one hundred ten
square meter two-story wooden house and approximately ten square meters of storage space
on the east side were completely destroyed. The fire was extinguished after approximately
three hours and ten minutes. Nobody was injured.
 According to the prefectural police's Kiryu Police Station, the man lives with his son and grandson.
All were evacuated safely. The police department is investigating the cause of
the fire.Fire at a private house in Kiryu City of Gunma Prefecture
destroying the house and storeroom.
134: 05/11(土)05:30 ID:GRm41Q0lx(1) AAS
As of nine thirty am on the twenty-ninth the fire. Which was confirmed in the forest of
Narahara Ueno Village Gunma Prefecture on the twenty-eighth is still being extinguished
by the Tano Fujioka Regional Fire Department and disaster prevention helicopters.
Forest fire in Ueno Village Gunma firefighting efforts continue.
As of nine thirty am on the twenty-ninth the fire. Which was confirmed in the forest of
Narahara Ueno Village Gunma Prefecture on the twenty-eighth is still being extinguished
by the Tano Fujioka Regional Fire Department and disaster prevention helicopters.
Forest fire in Ueno Village Gunma firefighting efforts continue.
135: 05/11(土)22:29 ID:XH7kOb7RN(1) AAS
Be careful of children who are too serious and work too hard. What kind of disease is Satsuki disease?
In April a new life begins with enrollment and promotion and the living environment
changes significantly. You try too hard to adapt to your new environment and are unable to
relax properly symptoms will appear in your mind and body such as lack of motivation
getting tired easily and difficulty getting up in the morning around the May holidays.
This condition is called May sickness. There is no such thing as a disease called Satsugatsu disease
but it is so called because the symptoms tend to appear during this time of the year.
Why is it easy for people to feel unwell in May? While a change in environment is exciting.
It can also bring about various kinds of anxiety and stress such as questions such as
Will I get along with my homeroom teacher. Will I be able to make friends?
136: 05/12(日)05:21 ID:xL6CBN/5e(1) AAS
Around ten thirty-five am on the twenty-eighth on the prefectural road Shibukawa-Matsuida Line
in Ikaho-cho Shibukawa-shi Gunma Prefecture Takasaki City was riding a stroller
an elementary school boy ( seven-years-old) came from the right Tomioka City, and a male veterinarian.
Fifty-five-years-oldwas hit by a passenger car. The boy was taken to a hospital in Maebashi City
with serious injuries including a hard blow to his head. The man was not injured.
 According to the Shibukawa Prefectural Police Station the boy was walking down the slope
in a stroller with his feet on the ground. The road at the scene has one lane on each side.
The boy's mother called nine hundred eleven.
Seven-years-old boy riding in a stroller is seriously injured after being hit
by a car in Shibukawa of Gunma.
137: 05/13(月)05:41 ID:mrvlMrE5j(1) AAS
Saitama doctor dies after falling while climbing in mountain forest
in Kanna-cho of Gunma Prefecture.
Around ten o'clock am on the twenty-ninth a Saitama Prefectural Police officer
who was searching for the man a sixty-two-years-old doctor from Saitama Prefecture found
him collapsed in the Horai Mountain Forest in Kamigahara Kanna-cho Gunma Prefecture.
He was taken in by a disaster prevention helicopter in Tochigi Prefecture
but emergency services confirmed his death at the helipad in Kanna-cho.
 According to Fujioka Police Station the man apparently started climbing from Mt. Suway
on the twenty-eighth and fell for some reason. When he did not return home at night
his family filed a report at Gyoda Police Station in Saitama Prefecture.
138: 05/14(火)06:28 ID:dKiVpave1(1) AAS
There was an accident in which two cars collided head-on on a national highway
in Nose Town Osaka Prefecture. Both cars appeared to be families and seven people including
three children between the ages of one and four were rushed to
the hospital and two men were seriously injured.
According to the police who said it was raining at the scene of the accident
two regular passenger cars were driving in front of each other on National Route one hundred seventy-three
in Tenno Nose Town Osaka Prefecture just after three o'clock pm on the twelfth.
All seven people in each vehicle were rushed to the hospital after the collision.
According to the fire department a man in his forties was seriously injured in the first car.
A woman in her thirties and a girl believed to be four-years-old were injured.
139: 05/15(水)05:12 ID:YXfEBj/t+(1) AAS
At around seven fifty am on the twelfth a twenty-nine-years-old male office worker
from Higashiazuma Town had his right finger caught between pallets loaded on the back of
a truck at a beverage manufacturing factory in Meiwa Town Gunma Prefecture. I was seriously injured.
 According to the Tatebayashi Police Station of the prefectural police, the man had been working
with another worker to load pallets containing plastic bottled drinks onto the bed of
a truck for about ten minutes before the accident.
The police department is investigating the exact cause of
the accident.Caught during work at a beverage manufacturing factory
in Meiwa Town of Gunma Prefecture.
140: 05/16(木)05:48 ID:PB/klezex(1) AAS
Twelve years after the Kanetsu bus accident the bereaved family continues to feel sadness.
The twenty-ninth marks the twelfth anniversary of the Kanetsu Expressway bus tour accident
that killed seven passengers and seriously injured thirty-eight others.
Approximately forty family members visited a flower stand near the scene
in Okanogo Fujioka City Gunma Prefecture and laid flowers, stuffed animals and other items.
A memorial service was held on the thirteenth anniversary of the death at nearby Kannonji Temple
and the bereaved families remembered the victims still feeling the same sadness.
Twelve years after the Kanetsu bus accident the bereaved family continues to feel sadness
141: 05/16(木)23:09 ID:Gd4KARhCi(1) AAS
A three-years-old child was hit by a car in a convenience store parking lot.
According to the fire department just after eleven o'clock am on the fifteenth
a store employee reported that a small girl had been hit in the head by a car and was unconscious
in the parking lot of the FamilyMart Seisho High School Store in Gose City Nara Prefecture.
According to the fire department the child's condition is currently unknown.
According to police the child who was hit is
three-years-old.A small girl is unconscious after her head was hit by a car.
Three-years-old child hit in convenience store parking lot Gose City of Nara.
142: 05/16(木)23:15 ID:Z3mE75JAT(1) AAS
A girl is unable to move due to a traffic accident between a car and a person.
She is not responding or breathing. A fourth grade elementary school girl who was apparently riding
a bicycle on the street in Shinbara Hamana Ward Hamamatsu City at around three twenty pm
on May thirteenth. It was hit and killed by a garbage truck. The scene is a three-way intersection
with one lane on each side. It is believed the girl was heading west at the crosswalk
and the garbage truck was heading north. According to the police, there was no problem
with the speed of the garbage truck due to the damage but based on the footage recorded
on the drive recorder . It is highly likely that the vehicle had not stepped on the brakes until
the accident occurred. In fact a sixty-years-old driver who was arrested for negligent
driving causing bodily injury reportedly told investigators that he only realized it after the collision.
143: 05/17(金)02:06 ID:0bFdFAi3J(1) AAS
At around six fifty-five pm on the fifteenth
a nine hundred eleven call was received stating
that a passenger car had collided with a wall at a residence
in Kitadaita-cho Maebashi City
Gunma Prefecture. According to the city fire department
and other sources two people in the car including a child believed to be
a junior high school student were transported.
It appears that he was conscious when he was transported.
 For some reason the car crashed into the block wall of a private house.
A forty-five-years-old man who lives in this house. I heard a huge impact and noise
144: 05/17(金)02:53 ID:ygaBFE6ai(1) AAS
It was announced on the fifteenth that Maneido a manufacturer and retailer of
Japanese sweets received a decision to commence
bankruptcy from the Maebashi District Court.
It's seven dates. According to Teikoku Databank Gunma Branch
the amount of debt is approximately ten million yen.
 The company was established in one thousand nine hundred fifty-two.
In July two thousand seven sales were approximately twenty-five million yen.
The company appears to have continued to be unprofitable reaching its cash flow limit
and giving up on continuing the business. By two thousand thirteen the business
had ceased.Maneido a Japanese sweets manufacturer and retailer goes bankrupt
145: 05/17(金)23:46 ID:Y1PisU+AR(1) AAS
Aoi is raising five-years-old twin boys Yasushi-kun and Yoshi-kun. He reported on the series of events
in a blog posted between the fifteenth and sixteenth. It's forty thirty am on the ninth.
Kiyoshi-kun suddenly started vomiting and went to the pediatrician during the day
and when his symptoms subsided he returned home but was attacked by severe pain
and was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. He was examined but he felt better and took
a taxi home. It's five thirty am on the tenth. He complained of pain again, so we decided to see him
at the night clinic. While undergoing a CT scan Aoi received an unbelievable call from her sister.
My father passed away followed by his younger sister. He didn't wake up in the morning
so when I went to see him, he wasn't breathing. Immediately after the sudden sad news
Kiyoshi-kun's test results came out. It was confirmed that he had appendicitis
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