[過去ログ] 【国内】ケント・ギルバート氏が朝日新聞に殴り込み 英語版・慰安婦報道に署名と申入書提出 「報道機関として責任を持つべき」[07/09] (1002レス)

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295: <丶`∀´> 2018/07/09(月)21:54 ID:wXxGlulk(14/60) AAS
【英・調査】日本の大手新聞の中で、朝日新聞が一番信用されてない [digital news report 2018]
6月14日発表 英オックスフォード大学ロイター・ジャーナリズム研究所
画像リンク[jpg]:i.imgur.com 画像リンク[jpg]:i.imgur.com
It is striking that while NHK and Nikkei are the two news brands with the highest
trust levels in our survey, Asahi was the lowest of five major dailies including the
very conservative Sankei Shimbun. In recent years, the liberal broadsheet has
been criticised by politicians from both the ruling conservative Liberal Democratic
Party and right-leaning media. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wrote on Facebook
about Asahi’s reaction to an alleged error: ‘It’s pitiful. A miserable excuse
just like Asahi. It’s all expected.’ On a different occasion, another conservative
Diet member, Yasushi Adachi, tweeted: ‘Asahi, you shall die’, while right-leaning
magazines publish headlines like ‘We have to shut down Asahi’. Further analysis
shows that Asahi’s weaker trust is partly a result of high levels of distrust from these
vocal and partisan critics on the right. After this year’s survey was conducted,
Asahi published a series of exposes which rocked the government and slashed Prime
Minister Abe’s approval rating. The impact is not reflected in this year’s survey.


外部リンク[pdf]:www.medialiitto.fi P130-131
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