[過去ログ] 【悲報】なんJの糞コテ ライドキルが英語で皇族批判 (14レス)

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1 2014/02/27(木) 22:26:41.62 ID:xH4ipfGA(1)
290 名前:ライドキル[アフィリエイトブログへの転載禁止] 投稿日:2014/02/27(木) 20:12:51.60 ID:Ubgy0cBL [1/2]
jim san is Shrewd manager
jim san is Messiah
Please prohibit reproduction of A.
yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
I'm rooting for you.

546 名前:ライドキル[アフィリエイトブログへの転載禁止] 投稿日:2014/02/27(木) 20:26:45.93 ID:Ubgy0cBL [2/2]
Hi Jim san
The reprint 2ch, affiliate bloggers we are money-making dirty
It also has a bad reputation of 2ch together only less violent
Affiliate bloggers we have been active in the work this thread still
The flow of the thread's fast, it will because of that
あと 13 レスあります
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