[過去ログ] 【米乱射事件】「日本人が犯人」に反発 銃乱射で日韓「掲示板バトル」★2[4/19] (469レス)

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(2): <丶`∀´> 2007/04/19(木)23:59 ID:AbhJTinX(1) AAS

I found a comment by a Korean.
It's crezy!!!


The gunman is not a murderer but a student who is sacrificed of American racial discrimination.
He is not a Korean. He is an American because he has been in U.S. since he was eight years old.
He speakes English well, and he is not poor. His parents are successful laundryman in U.S.
His brother and sister are clever, especially his sister graduated from Princeton.
Why he caused such a tragedy although he was in a happy family?
It is a white people society and there is a severe discrimination against minorities in VA.
There are many people who is distressed by discrimination in U.S. now.
I have been to U.S. for five years and I am sure there is a severe discrimination.
For instance, Japanese is called "Japs" frequently.
Korean is much sophisticated than Japanese, so we are sometimes confused with Chinese.
But some American still discreminates against us as yellow people.
American society is crezy which makes him a murderer.
He was lonely and that was his resistance to the society.
I am deeply impressed by his brave action. He pointed out the ploblem of American society for his life.
We learned a lesson from him.
We have to eliminate discrimination from America or his death is in vain.
Other sucrifices death could be in vain if we don't eliminate it.
We have to confront discremination in U.S..
Prey for his soul!
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