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380: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 2017/05/20(土)09:48 ID:+wG0iw/7(1/3) AAS


テロという悪役を作って戦争を起こす自作自演911 意識革命 歴代法王及び枢機卿 の子供に対する性的虐待
381: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 2017/05/20(土)11:48 ID:+wG0iw/7(2/3) AAS
オリバー・ストーン製作総指揮『すべての政府は嘘をつく』 予告
聖コルベとラウル アパルトヘイト
382: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 2017/05/20(土)12:11 ID:+wG0iw/7(3/3) AAS
Screams are rising from Japan to the extraordinary thing of the incident that occurred in Thailand.

Nong Khai province, northeastern part of Thailand. A woman who has a girl of 1 year and 8 months
is good at military service and without her husband,
He lived with a man three people. Last month, the woman left a girl to a man, and shrugged to go shopping.
However, I finished shopping and I was stunned back to the apartment. The girl who is my boy was bleeding
from the anus and was in a state without consciousness.

Even though I take him to the hospital in a hurry, a girl
who got a deep wound to his anus died shortly. Bleeding
that a man had sexual abuse during the absence of a woman
It is regarded as a cause of death. However, as soon as
the woman knew of death he returned to the apartment, then
tried to escape with the man. However, without fear of escape,
Udon Thani County Pen County 's bus stop was caught and the man
was arrested at a nearby resort facility. In addition, girls were
found to have been infected even to the abdomen by postmortem examination.
It is said that there was a possibility that abuse was repeated from before. Toure Society
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