[過去ログ] ■ サーバリフレッシュ工事2007-2008 【pink】 part3 (981レス)
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(1): Apparently admin ★ [] 2010/08/18(水) 00:01:31 0
I was waiting for more explanations on this. Do I need to put an additional
server on for it?
(1): EROyVmNwwM ★ [] 2010/08/18(水) 19:26:38 0 BE
> Do I need to put an additional server on for it?

I think that you need not add the server.
In the current state, pinknanmin and housekeeping are the same servers.
I hope to make these separate.

The pinknanmin board cohabits by the same server as other boards.
The housekeeping board cohabits by the same server as other boards.
(The ccc board, the erobbs board, and the housekeeping board are here. )
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