[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part13 (989レス)
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(1): [] 2009/08/25(火) 06:29:24 ID:cjphAA/3(1)
I've got familiar with whiskey due to Oishimbo (famous food manga) so very interesting to hear that.
I think US people like to choose bourbon, why do you choose scotch ? Is there any diffrences between the two ? (flavor? taste? price? etc...)
竹鶴 is very famous brand also in Japan like Ballantine's.

Excuse me for my English.
968: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★ [] 2009/08/25(火) 07:22:01 ID:???
I do not like the flavor of bourbon. Last year I was able to visit the whiskey
distillery in Hokkaido, that is where I got the taste for it.
I also like grappa.
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