[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part13 (989レス)
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(1): [sage] 2009/08/22(土) 12:54:49 ID:M7NNOyBS(1)
He can not control feelings.
His purpose is to rule the board by his frenzy,
and to bully the megami and the resident.
It seems not to have been a purpose
to rule the board from the beginning.
It is a start that he went insane because
his favorite megami had not done the action for which he hoped.
It is January this year.
The action of frenzy is pleasure for him,
(2): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★ [] 2009/08/22(土) 16:50:43 ID:???
It is terrible situation then. I think that the 女神 are the most important
thing on bbspink, and should be the most protected. This started in January?
Why is someone just telling me now?
What is his trip?
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