[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part3 (643レス)
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611(2): [sage] 2006/09/11(月) 20:22:14 ID:br/WXG09(2/3)
I have one small uneasiness.
It is encode.
For example, see " >610", as for the personal computer of Jim-san, is the character "AA-art"correctly output?
612(2): [sage] 2006/09/11(月) 20:49:37 ID:br/WXG09(3/3)
Oh no!!! I mis-wrote ( >611 )!!! Please correct it as follows:
For example, see " >609", as for the personal computer of Jim-san, is the character "AA-art"correctly output?
635: ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] 2006/09/12(火) 01:50:16 ID:iGq/1IkB(15/22)
>>611 さん、大丈夫、みえてますよ〜
>>611 no problem, he can see that!
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