ジャパンタイムズ The Japan Times Part1 @社説板 (391レス)
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97: [sage] 2008/08/26(火) 08:01:23 ID:ZLzLIUI60(1)
Wikipedia> In August 2007, Arudou equated the use of the word gaijin with reference to foreigners in Japan with the use of the word nigger in reference to blacks in the United States.[30]

This elicited a significant reader response in the Japan Times, where Arudou writes a regular column. Most of the published responses were critical of Arudou's position.[31]

Japan Timesは、7月(?)にもアルドウ批判の投書「Fishing for trouble・・・」(空港ウロついて警官を釣る)を掲載した。

馬鹿アルドウとは、距離を置き始めてるのかも。 賢明だね。
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