[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san.on RD. Part2 (39レス)
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(2): ◆FLOWERqR32 [] 2011/01/05(水) 18:48:33 ID:W4RvhWBG0(1)
May I ask you some questions?

Does Pasegueno have a blacklist?
If so, is it possible to operate it manually?
27: Apparently admin ★ [] 2011/01/05(水) 18:53:06 ID:???0
Yes, yes, and yes.
You can ask me questions anytime...:)
Please ask more, you are getting hot.
(1): Apparently admin ★ [] 2011/01/06(木) 17:17:16 ID:???0
Did you try 外部リンク:mamemaki.bbspink.com
yet? I am very interested in making it better. It is already so useful for me.
I think if users gave me more input that we could make it much better.
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