[過去ログ] Brave Part3 (1002レス)
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30: (ワッチョイ 1eba-PL4X) 2021/09/25(土)02:12 ID:vRUf+nqT0(1) AAS
Privacy Guidesから非推奨の烙印押されてて草

Despite being widely touted as a privacy-friendly Chromium browser, we have a number of concerns with Brave’s business practices and future business model that prevents us from recommending them.
The Brave team has publicly stated they do not want to be associated with privacy-focused groups like PrivacyTools (PrivacyTools PR #657),
which causes us to believe the Brave team does not wish to be under too much scrutiny from the privacy community as they continue to develop their product (Reddit discussion).
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