[過去ログ] 【医療崩壊】 中央日報 「韓国の今の誰彼構わない感染者探しの検査はダメだ。 米国と日本のやり方が正しい道だ」[3/3] ★2 (1002レス)
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461(3): <丶`∀´> 2020/03/03(火)19:50 ID:NQDSuvxw(1/2) AAS
Up to a million people could be tested for coronavirus by the end of week,
the FDA said Monday, as cases across the US rose to more than 100 and
health officials warned that the number will keep climbing.
Cases of the virus have now been reported in 12 states -- the majority of them
in California and Washington state, where six people have died.
About a quarter of the current cases were likely transmitted through US
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