[過去ログ] ★Billboard・UK Official Chartsスレ vol.31★ (1002レス)
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750(1): 2022/02/23(水)23:58 ID:Qy6/J8bj(1) AAS
Hot100でHeat Wavesが1位なればSomeone You Lovedの最も長い週をかけて1位になった曲のイギリス人の記録を抜く事になる
Someone You Lovedは初登場85位から24週かけて1位に
先にリリースしていたPost MaloneのCirclesを抜き、Circlesより先に1位になった
It is also Capaldi's first entry on the US Billboard Hot 100, debuting at number 85 on the issue dated 25 May 2019 and becoming the singer's first number-one single in the country on the issue dated 2 November 2019. It reached number one after 24 weeks on the chart, becoming one of the longest climbs to the top position in Billboard history. After three non-consecutive weeks on top it was replaced by Post Malone's "Circles."[12
Heat Wavesは57週目で2位。1位なるか
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