[過去ログ] 英語の勉強の仕方364 (1002レス)

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(9): 2022/09/07(水)15:30 ID:cz5WRc1c0(1) AAS
922: 2023/04/21(金)16:58 ID:56MjCRb/0(42/114) AAS
There is always something new,
923: 2023/04/21(金)16:58 ID:56MjCRb/0(43/114) AAS
and.―what is not less
924: 2023/04/21(金)16:59 ID:56MjCRb/0(44/114) AAS
satisfactory―there is always
925: 2023/04/21(金)17:00 ID:56MjCRb/0(45/114) AAS
something old
926: 2023/04/21(金)17:00 ID:56MjCRb/0(46/114) AAS
that you had previously missed.
927: 2023/04/21(金)17:00 ID:56MjCRb/0(47/114) AAS
How is that?
928: 2023/04/21(金)17:01 ID:56MjCRb/0(48/114) AAS
Howis it that
929: 2023/04/21(金)17:02 ID:56MjCRb/0(49/114) AAS
one may go to the Zoo
930: 2023/04/21(金)17:02 ID:56MjCRb/0(50/114) AAS
a thousand times
931: 2023/04/21(金)17:03 ID:56MjCRb/0(51/114) AAS
and consistently overlook
932: 2023/04/21(金)17:03 ID:56MjCRb/0(52/114) AAS
one of the most ingratiating
933: 2023/04/21(金)17:04 ID:56MjCRb/0(53/114) AAS
and then
934: 2023/04/21(金)17:04 ID:56MjCRb/0(54/114) AAS
on the thousand-and-first visit
935: 2023/04/21(金)17:05 ID:56MjCRb/0(55/114) AAS
come upon this creature
936: 2023/04/21(金)17:05 ID:56MjCRb/0(56/114) AAS
as though he was
937: 2023/04/21(金)17:05 ID:56MjCRb/0(57/114) AAS
the latest arrival?
938: 2023/04/21(金)17:06 ID:56MjCRb/0(58/114) AAS
There the quaint little absurdity
939: 2023/04/21(金)17:06 ID:56MjCRb/0(59/114) AAS
was, all that long while,
940: 2023/04/21(金)17:07 ID:56MjCRb/0(60/114) AAS
as ready to be seen
941: 2023/04/21(金)17:07 ID:56MjCRb/0(61/114) AAS
as to-day,
942: 2023/04/21(金)17:07 ID:56MjCRb/0(62/114) AAS
but you never saw hiln,
943: 2023/04/21(金)17:08 ID:56MjCRb/0(63/114) AAS
or at any rate,
944: 2023/04/21(金)17:08 ID:56MjCRb/0(64/114) AAS
you never noticed hirn.
945: 2023/04/21(金)17:08 ID:56MjCRb/0(65/114) AAS
The tirne was not yet.
946: 2023/04/21(金)17:09 ID:56MjCRb/0(66/114) AAS
A Self-made Statue
947: 2023/04/21(金)17:28 ID:56MjCRb/0(67/114) AAS
In my younger
948: 2023/04/21(金)17:28 ID:56MjCRb/0(68/114) AAS
and more vulnerable years
949: 2023/04/21(金)17:29 ID:56MjCRb/0(69/114) AAS
my father gave me
950: 2023/04/21(金)17:29 ID:56MjCRb/0(70/114) AAS
some advice that
951: 2023/04/21(金)17:29 ID:56MjCRb/0(71/114) AAS
I've been turning over
952: 2023/04/21(金)17:30 ID:56MjCRb/0(72/114) AAS
in my mind ever since.
953: 2023/04/21(金)17:31 ID:56MjCRb/0(73/114) AAS
"Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,"
954: 2023/04/21(金)17:31 ID:56MjCRb/0(74/114) AAS
he told me,
955: 2023/04/21(金)17:32 ID:56MjCRb/0(75/114) AAS
"iust remember
956: 2023/04/21(金)17:32 ID:56MjCRb/0(76/114) AAS
that all the people in this world
957: 2023/04/21(金)17:32 ID:56MjCRb/0(77/114) AAS
haven't had the advantages
958: 2023/04/21(金)17:33 ID:56MjCRb/0(78/114) AAS
that vou've had."
959: 2023/04/21(金)17:33 ID:56MjCRb/0(79/114) AAS
He didn't say any more,
960: 2023/04/21(金)17:35 ID:56MjCRb/0(80/114) AAS
but we've always been
961: 2023/04/21(金)17:35 ID:56MjCRb/0(81/114) AAS
unusually communicative
962: 2023/04/21(金)17:36 ID:56MjCRb/0(82/114) AAS
in a reserved way,
963: 2023/04/21(金)17:36 ID:56MjCRb/0(83/114) AAS
and I understood that
964: 2023/04/21(金)17:36 ID:56MjCRb/0(84/114) AAS
he meant a great deal
965: 2023/04/21(金)17:37 ID:56MjCRb/0(85/114) AAS
more than that.
966: 2023/04/21(金)17:37 ID:56MjCRb/0(86/114) AAS
In consequence,
967: 2023/04/21(金)17:37 ID:56MjCRb/0(87/114) AAS
I'm inclined to reserve
968: 2023/04/21(金)17:38 ID:56MjCRb/0(88/114) AAS
all judgernents,
969: 2023/04/21(金)17:38 ID:56MjCRb/0(89/114) AAS
a habit that has opened up
970: 2023/04/21(金)17:38 ID:56MjCRb/0(90/114) AAS
rnany curious natures to rne
971: 2023/04/21(金)17:39 ID:56MjCRb/0(91/114) AAS
and also made me the victirn
972: 2023/04/21(金)17:39 ID:56MjCRb/0(92/114) AAS
of not a few veteran bores.
973: 2023/04/21(金)17:39 ID:56MjCRb/0(93/114) AAS
The Great Gαιsby
974: 2023/04/21(金)18:02 ID:3OCD8qxg0(1/5) AAS




975: 2023/04/21(金)18:02 ID:3OCD8qxg0(2/5) AAS




976: 2023/04/21(金)18:08 ID:rx4TgLOI0(1) AAS
977: 2023/04/21(金)18:11 ID:56MjCRb/0(94/114) AAS
I have always taken it
978: 2023/04/21(金)18:12 ID:56MjCRb/0(95/114) AAS
for granted that
979: 2023/04/21(金)18:13 ID:56MjCRb/0(96/114) AAS
pockets are places
980: 2023/04/21(金)18:39 ID:56MjCRb/0(97/114) AAS
to put things into,
981: 2023/04/21(金)18:39 ID:56MjCRb/0(98/114) AAS
and have stuffed my pockets
982: 2023/04/21(金)18:40 ID:3OCD8qxg0(3/5) AAS
It is difficult to say "whether studying math is more important than studying English." Which is more important depends on your personal goals and situation.

The importance of studying mathematics increases when one is involved in a profession or field that requires mathematics. For example, fields such as science, engineering, economics, and statistics require mathematical knowledge and skills. Math scores may also be important in examinations such as high school and college entrance exams.

The importance of studying English, on the other hand, increases when considering international communication and cross-cultural interactions. English is widely used as a lingua franca worldwide, and speaking English can open up job opportunities and study abroad opportunities.

It also depends on personal interests and future goals. If you are interested in mathematics and want to pursue a career related to mathematics, studying mathematics is important. If you are interested in English and want to increase the number of situations in which you can use English, studying English may be a priority.

In general, it is advisable to balance the study of both mathematics and English. Math and English require different skills, and advancing your studies in both can help you acquire a broad range of knowledge and skills. It is important to find the right balance of study for yourself, taking into account your interests and future goals.
983: 2023/04/21(金)18:40 ID:56MjCRb/0(99/114) AAS
with anything
984: 2023/04/21(金)18:40 ID:3OCD8qxg0(4/5) AAS




985: 2023/04/21(金)18:41 ID:56MjCRb/0(100/114) AAS
that would go into them―
986: 2023/04/21(金)18:42 ID:3OCD8qxg0(5/5) AAS
Whether studying mathematics is more important than studying English cannot be simply stated. The importance of each subject depends on an individual's goals and circumstances.

The importance of studying mathematics is heightened in fields or professions that require mathematical knowledge and skills, such as science, engineering, economics, and statistics. Additionally, mathematical grades may be important in exams such as high school or university entrance exams.

On the other hand, the importance of studying English increases when considering international communication and cross-cultural exchange. English is widely used as a global lingua franca, and being able to speak English can expand job opportunities and chances for studying abroad.

Furthermore, it depends on an individual's interests and future goals. If someone has an interest in mathematics and aims for a career related to mathematics, studying mathematics would be important. On the other hand, if someone is interested in English and wants to increase opportunities to utilize English in various contexts, prioritizing English studies may be more appropriate.

In general, it is desirable to balance the study of mathematics and English. Since mathematics and English require different skills, studying both subjects allows for acquiring diverse knowledge and skills. It is important to find a balanced study approach that suits one's interests and future goals, considering individual circumstances.
987: 2023/04/21(金)18:42 ID:56MjCRb/0(101/114) AAS
books, newspapers, Ietters,
988: 2023/04/21(金)18:43 ID:56MjCRb/0(102/114) AAS
pipes, pouches, cigarettes,
989: 2023/04/21(金)18:43 ID:56MjCRb/0(103/114) AAS
match-boxes, and so forth.
990: 2023/04/21(金)18:44 ID:56MjCRb/0(104/114) AAS
I once found eleven boxes
991: 2023/04/21(金)18:44 ID:56MjCRb/0(105/114) AAS
of matches in the pockets
992: 2023/04/21(金)18:45 ID:56MjCRb/0(106/114) AAS
of a suit I was wearing.
993: 2023/04/21(金)18:45 ID:56MjCRb/0(107/114) AAS
Yet even as a boy
994: 2023/04/21(金)18:46 ID:56MjCRb/0(108/114) AAS
I was discouraged
995: 2023/04/21(金)18:46 ID:56MjCRb/0(109/114) AAS
from making this,
996: 2023/04/21(金)18:47 ID:56MjCRb/0(110/114) AAS
as it seems to me,
997: 2023/04/21(金)18:47 ID:56MjCRb/0(111/114) AAS
natural use of my pockets.
998: 2023/04/21(金)18:47 ID:56MjCRb/0(112/114) AAS
I vas told that,
999: 2023/04/21(金)18:48 ID:56MjCRb/0(113/114) AAS
if you put thing
1000: 2023/04/21(金)18:48 ID:56MjCRb/0(114/114) AAS
into your pockets,
(1): 1001 ID:Thread(1/2) AAS
life time: 226日 3時間 17分 40秒
(1): 1002 ID:Thread(2/2) AAS

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