[過去ログ] 【Bグル】大阪人の味覚を修正しよう8【王国】 (1001レス)
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(1): 03/08/30 09:02 AAS
The Osaka people who matches rice and the miso soup to okonomiyaki and eats
is a pitiful race not eaten by thinking about the balance of food of the combination
and nourishment. Naturally, it becomes a peppery character because of taking the
carbohydrate and salinity too much. It is that that off-base criminal such as Umezawa
between Sakakibara and crazy happens frequentlyYou to whom the whole country is
wise must never mimic Osaka. Moreover, it is necessary to exterminate it because
there is a culture of such Osaka as 100 harms are in the society and an advantage
988: 03/08/30 09:44 AAS
( ´,_ゝ`) プッ
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