[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part12 (1001レス)
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905(1): ξ ◆Or3.StInkY 2009/03/30(月)21:32 ID:LXkaLZud(1) BE AAS
I like Wilkinson's tonic water and ginger ale.
906(1): 仮名ダイラー ◆qd..b/Pcrg 2009/03/30(月)21:49 ID:oDhOVlr4(1) AAS
907: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/03/31(火)08:00 ID:??? AAS
I have never tasted Wilkinson's tonic water. I will look for it, perhaps I can have a life changing event also.
By the way, I can not see the image you posted. Here is part of what I see.
w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr
908(1): ξ ◆Or3.StInkY 2009/03/31(火)08:22 ID:xFWgtqGM(1/4) BE AAS
mmm, Maybe "JFIF" is jpeg binary.
っ Same image
909(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/03/31(火)09:15 ID:??? AAS
That is an interesting bottle. What country manufactures that product?
I want to taste. It is so hot here. That must be a cooling life changing drink.
910: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/03/31(火)09:16 ID:??? AAS
What is it?
911(2): ξ ◆Or3.StInkY 2009/03/31(火)09:50 ID:xFWgtqGM(2/4) BE AAS
アサヒ飲料 | ウィルキンソン | ブランド紹介
Mr. Wilkinson is a British.
He found the carbonic acid mineral spring in Japan, and established the company in around 1980. (It got to know for the first time.
912: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/03/31(火)10:42 ID:??? AAS
I will be in Japan in the summer time. This will be my drink. Better than Pocari sweat for really thirsty days.
913: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/03/31(火)12:08 ID:??? AAS
This is my fortune today.
This fortune was generated by Electric Buddha's prayer wheel. It is cool and exciting!
914: 名無し 2009/03/31(火)13:03 ID:MoR1Fsj4(1) AAS
PC用品 or 化粧品 or 雑貨
アダルトグッズ 通販 グリーンアイズ
915(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/03/31(火)13:04 ID:??? AAS
It must be 1890 not 1980
I will look and see if it is sold in Manila. It would be a good drink for here.
916(1): ξ ◆Or3.StInkY 2009/03/31(火)13:24 ID:xFWgtqGM(3/4) BE AAS
1890 is not mistakes.
ウィルキンソン (飲料) - Wikipedia(Can't find English pages)
917(1): ξ ◆Or3.StInkY 2009/03/31(火)14:16 ID:LDr977p5(1) BE AAS
I found recipe like a wilkinson's ginger ale
辛口ジンジャエール(ウィルキンソン風) by のぎへん [クックパッド] 簡単おいしいみんなのレシピが40万品
生姜 小ぶりなミカン大1個 Sliced Ginger undersized tangerine large 1
唐辛子 1〜2本 Red pepper 1-2
砂糖 半カップ Sugar semi- cup (100cc)
はちみつ 半カップ Honey semi- cup(100cc)
918: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/03/31(火)16:24 ID:??? AAS
Yes, you are right.
919: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/03/31(火)16:30 ID:??? AAS
Lets try it! this looks like fun.
920(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/03/31(火)16:37 ID:??? AAS
From PIE.
hahaha anyways, have a great night Jim-san. I've called freebit.net regarding to problem that just happened again as of Monday Japan time. dubai.2ch.net can't be seen from110.0.0.0 /14maybe due to them not advertising their IPs properly through JPNIC. Good night
921(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/03/31(火)16:39 ID:??? AAS
and of course I can not write to that server. qb5
922: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/03/31(火)16:56 ID:??? AAS
Finally a use for P2. I was able to post to qb5.
923(2): ξ ◆Or3.StInkY 2009/03/31(火)22:53 ID:xFWgtqGM(4/4) BE AAS
Thx for the reply.
Because translation does not have confidence, I confirm it
> maybe due to them not advertising their IPs properly through JPNIC.
The cause is "freebit.net doesn't neatly tell IP( through JPNIC" and k?.
924(2): ◆CHINPOGEDU 2009/04/01(水)02:05 ID:o5raxqLa(1) AAS
My thinking is little different from you.
Earning the money with ease is ok, even if it is moneygame. Significant point is a usage of the money. He only think of own benefit. And he has no idea of the social contribution. Therefore his ambition is empty and cheap.
925(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/01(水)05:59 ID:??? AAS
Yes that is it.
926(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/01(水)07:35 ID:??? AAS
What are his social responsibilities?
927(1): ξ ◆Or3.StInkY 2009/04/01(水)13:57 ID:JDMdtHMO(1) BE AAS
928: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/01(水)16:02 ID:??? AAS
Tea please. I would like some really strong Kungfu cha.
929(1): ◆CHINPOGEDU 2009/04/02(木)01:57 ID:ale2RUet(1) AAS
Noblesse oblige.
930(2): EROyVmNwwM ★ 2009/04/02(木)08:46 ID:??? AAS
Jim-san Good morning
I hope Jim-san reads this thread.
【ボランティア用】 連絡&報告5
It is likely to talk in Japanese in the thread.
Because there are a lot of people not good at English.
However, there will be a person who translates English.
931(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/02(木)10:10 ID:??? AAS
I do read this thread. Thank you for noting it. I don't post to it.
932: EROyVmNwwM ★ 2009/04/02(木)11:16 ID:??? AAS
Thank you.
I think we will request manager's opinion or ask.
at that time.よろしく おねがい します。
933(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/02(木)11:44 ID:??? AAS
Responsibilities and obligations are two different things. Often people use them as synonyms but
they are different.
Responsibility is something that an individual takes voluntarily. Obligation is something that an
individual is required to do.
People avoid or take on responsibilities often without any significant change in their environment.
Obligations that are avoided cause disastrous results. t.
934(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/02(木)13:23 ID:??? AAS
My fortune for the day.
Meditate for a lot of pleasures on time.
935: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/02(木)15:17 ID:??? AAS
if it is such a problem. I will answer info@ email also.
936(1): ◆CHINPOGEDU 2009/04/03(金)03:24 ID:728vCVhE(1) AAS
Even if follow your definition of social responsibility, can you affirm my coworker's thinking?
Yea, I think so too. This communication is superb and pleasant. Thanks Odysseus.
937(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)06:55 ID:??? AAS
Please give me a concrete example of your friends conduct. >>924
938: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)06:56 ID:??? AAS
I am still following this thread.
939(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)07:07 ID:??? AAS
My fortune today.
A thing missing might possibly appear
I have to go to school now. I will be late to the office.
940(1): 2009/04/03(金)11:40 ID:SlgrcoH0(1/3) AAS
I suppose you are missing the US.
Every time I see a dream about wagashi, which is Japanese Sweets, I feel almost dead for a few hours, and after that, I vow that I will let time fly by Carpe Diem.
941(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)13:02 ID:??? AAS
No, I don't miss the USA.
942(1): 2009/04/03(金)13:12 ID:SlgrcoH0(2/3) AAS
How can you stay yourself away from missing there?
You're from Washington and it has apples and cherries, right?
Well, maybe but you don't miss it actually.
I'm eating last spoon-full of honey roasted peanuts, and now I finished it.
943(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)13:18 ID:??? AAS
Yes, and they are so tasty. There was a cherry orchard where I grew up. Bing cherries are my favorite.
Washington apples are nice too. I don't really miss the place though. There is nothing there for me.
944(1): 2009/04/03(金)14:50 ID:SlgrcoH0(3/3) AAS
Do you still hold your parents btw?
How about that you miss?
945(1): 2009/04/03(金)15:10 ID:B6Ep2tpc(1) AAS
Someone who can understand what Jim said should translate into Japanese.
946(1): ◆witch2enoc 2009/04/03(金)15:45 ID:rxyJJmgk(1/3) AAS
I am foooooooooooooooooooooooooool.
947(2): ξ ◆Or3.StInkY 2009/04/03(金)15:59 ID:DvzutNrB(1/5) BE AAS
っ >>6
When I write it, I do it like "JP>EN>JP" and check it
948: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)16:02 ID:??? AAS
おねがい します 日本銀 ください.
すべてが しゅみ と せいかつ です。
949: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)16:03 ID:??? AAS
It is not necessary. I rarely say anything important.
950(3): ◆witch2enoc 2009/04/03(金)16:05 ID:rxyJJmgk(2/3) AAS
> 933
> 責任と義務は、2つの異なるものです。しばしば、人々は同義語として彼らを利用します、しかし、彼らは異なります。
> 責任は、個人が自発的にとる何かです。義務は個人がすることを要求されるという何かです。ピープルは彼らの環境のどんな重要な変化なしででもしばしば責任を避けるか、引き受けます。
> 避けられる義務は、惨憺たる結果を引き起こします。t。
> 934 ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ◆Ga8lHqDY3g@Apparently管理★:13:23:14 2009/04/02(木)???
> 今日の間の私の富。
> 時間通りに多くの楽しみのために瞑想してください。
951(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)16:15 ID:??? AAS
952: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)16:16 ID:??? AAS
I just did that with with witch2enoch-san wrote. It was better than the original when it was returned to English. E>J>E
953(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)16:17 ID:??? AAS
I see my parents sometimes. The last time I saw them was in San Francisco.
We talk by email sometimes.
954(3): EROyVmNwwM ★ 2009/04/03(金)16:24 ID:??? AAS
I do not understand.
Because English language skill is no squids. (´・ω・`)
955(1): ξ ◆Or3.StInkY 2009/04/03(金)16:25 ID:DvzutNrB(2/5) BE AAS
There are plural translation sites.
There is a meaning in it. ^^
>>950 is very very strange Japanese lol
956(2): ◆witch2enoc 2009/04/03(金)16:33 ID:rxyJJmgk(3/3) AAS
957(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)16:36 ID:??? AAS
958(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)16:46 ID:??? AAS
My understanding of Japanese is like your understanding of English.
959(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)16:47 ID:??? AAS
Yes there is a reason. Itadaki-san's site uses one. I use another someone else uses another.
but that all give different results.
960(1): ξ ◆Or3.StInkY 2009/04/03(金)16:47 ID:DvzutNrB(3/5) BE AAS
なんでイカ天?… あ、>>954のsquidsってイカやがな!
Squid's tempura why? …Oh! >>954 squids!!
ευρηκα !!
Jim-san, When English is written together, it is welcome.
961(1): EROyVmNwwM ★ 2009/04/03(金)17:00 ID:??? AAS
Why did it become a squid?
I do not understand well either.
962(1): ξ ◆Or3.StInkY 2009/04/03(金)17:05 ID:DvzutNrB(4/5) BE AAS
We can understand better by comparing a different result
I still confirm it like >>923 when I did not understand it
963: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)17:20 ID:??? AAS
I will go eat tempura now and drink beer. It is hot.
Good night friends.
964(1): ξ ◆Or3.StInkY 2009/04/03(金)17:25 ID:DvzutNrB(5/5) BE AAS
965: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/03(金)21:11 ID:??? AAS
Good night Stinky-chan. I will have drunk dreams tonight.
966(1): ◆CHINPOGEDU 2009/04/04(土)03:36 ID:75JIXAxx(1) AAS
Speaking and Reason often entail the ideology.
>My coworker said, Everything is Money! If I have a sufficiency of money, I am all OK.(>>901)
He strongly asserted his words are true like a justice. This is his reason and conduct.
967(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/04(土)07:46 ID:??? AAS
Good morning I will go to work now.
There are a lot of things I need to fix today.
968: 2009/04/04(土)07:47 ID:UM6ZQGQG(1/4) AAS
'tis gd for u 'n anyone to have comm. with.
Yes, I really like annoying people.
It sure is my hobby.
969(1): ξ ◆Or3.StInkY 2009/04/04(土)09:24 ID:79j/JtG9(1) BE AAS
Without being flurried, slowly and carefully
I think...Money is necessary. However, it is not important.
970(1): EROyVmNwwM ★ 2009/04/04(土)09:27 ID:??? AAS
I hope that the judgment and the action of Jim-san are wise.
I am wishing PINK to become happy.
971: EROyVmNwwM ★ 2009/04/04(土)09:53 ID:??? AAS
following new thread
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part13
972: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/04(土)10:53 ID:??? AAS
I hope so too. Right now, I am just trying to fix what has been broken.
973(1): 2009/04/04(土)10:56 ID:Ypd4ksJ9(1) AAS
The child was born to MDK.
974(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/04(土)11:21 ID:??? AAS
975: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/04(土)11:41 ID:??? AAS
Sorry for the inconvenience, but the passwords are changed on *.bbspink.com servers.
976(1): 2009/04/04(土)12:30 ID:yhFmqfdf(1/4) AAS
North Korea fires a missile soon.
How do you think about this?
977(1): ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/04(土)12:33 ID:??? AAS
>>976 Have they announced the target?
978: 2009/04/04(土)12:38 ID:UM6ZQGQG(2/4) AAS
The US reporters said they had done I heard.
979: 2009/04/04(土)12:47 ID:yhFmqfdf(2/4) AAS
Obama said.
I object to a missile.
But nothing is handed down to U.S.A.
980: 2009/04/04(土)12:50 ID:yhFmqfdf(3/4) AAS
Do not torment 79san.
Free 79san.
981: 2009/04/04(土)12:57 ID:yhFmqfdf(4/4) AAS
We torment you together.
We unite and can suffer much.
982(1): 2009/04/04(土)13:15 ID:UM6ZQGQG(3/4) AAS
In 2ch, some are starting to think the missle exploded off cause they couldn've made it nice.
What's today's playlist like btw?
Maybe you have to concentrate on some work so that you don't have any?
983: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★ 2009/04/04(土)13:24 ID:??? AAS
The Rolling Stones: Before they make me run
is playing right now.
Booze and pills and powders. You can choose your medicine.
Its another good bye to another good friend. - Keith Richards
984(1): 2009/04/04(土)13:34 ID:UM6ZQGQG(4/4) AAS
Gosh, I just found out that my socks are such a worn out like a big hole that I can get my toe out through that window.
Now I threw it in garbage which means I need to refill my drawer with new ones.
985(1): ◆CHINPOGEDU 2009/04/05(日)03:50 ID:LaMrs9iN(1) AAS
>I think...
Maybe I can agree with you. Significant point is a usage of the money.
> > 翻訳が..
Almost ok. 訳文を確かめる作業が重要
Odysseus told me about the importance of communication through the talking about my coworker.
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