[過去ログ] 【月32万】東京慈恵会医科大学【7割辞退】 (937レス)

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916: [hentai] 2014/01/02(木)10:32 ID:??? AAS
【マスコミ】毎日新聞、英字版記事で靖国神社を「靖国戦争神社(Yasukuni war shrine)」と紹介し世界へ配信★2

1 名前:伊勢うどんφ ★[sage] 投稿日:2014/01/02(木) 08:32:35.62 ID:???0
Japanese prime minister visits Yasukuni war shrine

TOKYO (AP) -- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe paid his respects
Thursday at a shrine honoring Japan's war dead in a move that
drew a quick rebuke from China warning that the visit celebrated
Japan's military attacks on its neighboring countries.

The visit to the shrine, which honors 2.5 million war dead
including convicted class A war criminals, appears to be a departure
from Abe's "pragmatic" approach to foreign policy, in which
he tried to avoid alienating neighboring countries.

It was the first visit by a sitting prime minister since
Junichiro Koizumi went to mark the end of World War II in 2006.

Visits to Yasukuni by Japanese politicians have long been a point of
friction with China and South Korea, because of Japan's brutal aggression during World War II.


★1の立った時間 2014/01/01(水) 19:45:53.10
あと 21 レスあります
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