携帯5chブラウザ ぬこ Part115 スマホ版 (468レス)

468: 10/19(土)04:08 ID:U/LBHWjq0(1) AAS
15 どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.119][UR武+29][UR防限+30][森] 2024/10/18(金) 11:47:53.46 ID:CAP_USER
Hello everybody.

Quick update:
I have been helping with the work to restore the kakolog.
I have also been helping with the development to create an android app for 5ch.
I am still working on the marketplace.

I will be here more often now, since work on the android app is almost finished, and the kakolog is almost restored.

Sorry about my absence.
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