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(1): 名無しさん@1周年 [age] 2016/09/03(土)17:00 ID:R5M2M6iO0(1/3) AAS
628: 名無しさん@1周年 [age] 2016/09/03(土)17:25 ID:R5M2M6iO0(2/3) AAS
Based on these facts,there was no Korean comfort-women kidnapping by Japanese officials.
1.No one knows the name of the village or town where the comfort-women kidnapping incident occurred.
2.There is no record which was written before 1990s about comfort-women kidnapping.
3.It is strange that many (200,000?) victim had been silent from 1945 to the 1990s.
4.Comfort-women had got a large amount of money. At this time,it was not rare that parents sold a daughter.
5.There is no witness of kidnapping.If there had been many comfort-women kidnapping,there w
630: 名無しさん@1周年 [age] 2016/09/03(土)17:40 ID:R5M2M6iO0(3/3) AAS
shibaji -- The Surrogate Woman --

The shibaji is one of the occupations which existed to the Korea's Joseon Dynasty era in the Korean Peninsula,
which gain a salary by carrying out the master and sexual intercourse of a distinguished family in which an inheritor is not exist,
and giving birth to an inheritor's boy. in many cases.she was abused by the jealous wife.
When a woman is born, the child is taken over and it becomes the same shibaj as a mother,.
When a boy is born,It is the regulations of shibaji to leave the house immediately,
not seeing a child face.
There were many problems at the human-rights view and they were forbidden by the Korean governor-general's office after annexation of Korea.

It comes out truly -- South Korea of "opportunism" -- as it were .
It begins to develop.
a woman "prostitute" "on business" who obtained a high salary
to intense, it being what depends
on compulsion of a Japanese army.
an apology demand, and compensation demand,
at the times which passed the half century after the war.

applying a hand to a breast, if a "history problem" is asserted obstinately
-- own country -- from ancient times -- or -- "a human-rights view" --
it should introspect -- is South Korea and the Korean Peninsula.

The more it asks whether the qualification for asserting "the moral predominancy"
to Japan is in South Korea,
the more predominancy makes clear what "nothing is", so that it gets to know.

The foolish national policy which South Korea started for erasion of a historical fact or
rewriting is "property confiscation" of wholly as opposed to a person and its posterity as the
"pro-Japanese group" of the annexation age,and It is a problem of what is called "service-in-the-war" comfort women
who began to claim that it is what depends a "prostitute" in wartime on commandeering of "a Japanese army."

The "human-rights view" in which that it is common also in these does not regard people as "people" even if it is nationals
-- and the feeble way of thinking

As for much the abuse and devastation which are looked at by "testimony" of a "sex slave",
it is clear that the philosophy peculiar to North Koreans as it is.

What have North Koreans done by the Korean War to the women of a foreign country?
Moreover, what has the South Korean army done by the Vietnam War?

If an example is taken in those facts,
"testimony" of the "sex slave" who tries the imputation to a Japanese army testifies for North Koreans' act as it is -- it is equal.

In psychology term,

When you do admit your own bad side,
Action of the mind that would have stuck with it to other people.

It is said "projection"
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