[過去ログ] 昼間ライト点灯虫の性欲欠落アスペ1200同性愛池沼番長 12 (643レス)
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149: 昼間ライト点灯虫94系マニャデチ性欲欠落アスペルゲー同性愛ハセトウ池沼番長3重ハンデ 2013/03/06(水)22:47 ID:Oi0r6Ud1(1/6) AAS
662 : 昼間ライト点灯虫マニャデチ性欲,性知識欠落アスペ同性愛シャロウシ池沼番長2重ハンデ[] : 投稿日:2012/09/09 19:23:00ID:un6Mh1fk [1/10回]
Do you wonder why I've chosen you?
Now I need someone to trust.
663 : 昼間ライト点灯虫マニャデチ性欲,性知識欠落アスペ同性愛シャロウシ池沼番長2重ハンデ[] : 投稿日:2012/09/09 19:23:48ID:un6Mh1fk [2/10回]
This is the end.
I never thought I'd hear myself say those words after all these years.
You put your life into something. Build it,protect it.
The end is as unimaginable as your own death.
Or the death of your children.
I could never have scripted the events that led us to this.
None of us could.
All the brilliant men.The plans that we kept so well.
It happened simply,like this.
Plans that would've worked,had not a rebel alien race come to destroy them.
Had not my own son chosen betrayal.Or chosen to betray more wisely.
664 : 昼間ライト点灯虫マニャデチ性欲,性知識欠落アスペ同性愛シャロウシ池沼番長2重ハンデ[] : 投稿日:2012/09/09 19:25:09ID:un6Mh1fk [3/10回]
I've trusted no one.
Treachery is the inevitable result of all affairs.
Every man believes he has his own good reason.
I have little doubt of my son??????????????? to me.
クライチェック, you're a murderer,a liar and coward.
Just because you stick a gun in my chest,
I'm supposed to believe you're my friend?
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