[過去ログ] Jane Style (Windows版) Part242 (1002レス)
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807: 2023/07/19(水)13:50 ID:CifF+Dvn0(1/3) AAS
Report on the analysis in the medical examination: Client A (male, a person who wastes his time on an Internet message board from morning till dawn as if he were playing a game).
Disorder/Authoritarian,Mental Retardation,Generalized anxiety disorder.
Example of Interpretation
Many of them are still unable to even have sex, and many of them have agonizingly wasted erections.
Some have a very strong social complex as well as appearance. They also tend to have extremely low self-esteem.
After a long period of severe distress, they also suffer from extremely low EQ (emotional quotient) values as well as low self-identity.
Many of them also have a tendency toward authoritarianism and the vestiges of feudalism, such as loyalty and fidelity, and they are easily attracted to idols and celebrities, and even indulge in them.
There is a great tendency to be easily deceived by such so-called idols and pseudo-charismatic sophists, and their political views are merely parroted on their behalf.
It corresponds to a serious degree in the so-called defense mechanism, which is a mechanism for defense.
There are many confirmed cases of self-identification or transference neurosis, in which one projects oneself onto them or their admirers as part of the process of overcoming immature self-identity.
809: 2023/07/19(水)13:56 ID:CifF+Dvn0(2/3) AAS
Prescription does not require medication
Clinical psychologist, licensed psychologist (must be female) *You may inquire if you have a reason, but you probably know what it is.
Dependency issues
Lifestyle modifications
Improvement in cognitive function
Strengthening of inhibitions
You might also consider using Chinese herbal medicine (in this case, you might want to register as a pharmacist), because although the ingredients are about 70% the same, the effects are the same and what you learn will be the same.
You wouldn't only learn about side effects.
That would make all testing pointless and worthless.
The "matching" approach to job selection that seems to be in vogue collapses in one fell swoop.
810: 2023/07/19(水)13:57 ID:CifF+Dvn0(3/3) AAS
I only remember that I have an IQ of 189, but that was when I was 18, so it must be much lower now. It should be generally acknowledged that these numbers fluctuate; some individuals have dropped from 160 to about 40. This was the number at the time of the panic attacks and suicide attempts due to transient psychogenic PTSD.
In any case, I am against publicly announcing or measuring the meaning or significance of this number, as it would be a source of discrimination and prejudice.
The address is to the Mental Health Division of the Nagoya City Insurance Bureau.
I would be grateful if the Chief or a new graduate could take a look at it.
Dear Respected Section Chief
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