[過去ログ] Electronによる掲示板ビューア Siki Part15 (1002レス)
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849: 2022/12/18(日)02:28 ID:n+vuiUfn0(1/3) AAS
Nice to meet all of you.Please proceed in a relaxed manner.To mature as a person, one must practice, train, and discipline again and again.And to contemplate, imagine and study. The mind of play is also important.It is also important to consider the intuition.May you all have great joy and blessings upon you.And may the great God bless you all.
外部リンク:pbs.twimg.com 外部リンク:pbs.twimg.com 外部リンク:pbs.twimg.com 外部リンク:pbs.twimg.com
850: 2022/12/18(日)02:32 ID:n+vuiUfn0(2/3) AAS
Nice to meet all of you. Please proceed in a relaxed manner. To mature as a person, one must practice, train, and discipline again and again. And to contemplate, imagine and study. The mind of play is also important.It is also important to consider the intuition.May you all have great joy and blessings upon you. And may the great God bless you all.
画像リンク[jpg]:upload.wikimedia.org 画像リンク[JPG]:upload.wikimedia.org
851: 2022/12/18(日)02:33 ID:n+vuiUfn0(3/3) AAS
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル
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