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リチャード・コシミズについて語ろう 3

16無名の共和国難民:2014/06/12(木) 15:33:24 ID:E50JLBD.
イスラエルのテルアビブ大学(Tel Aviv University)のサイトに、リチャード・コシミズの

Antisemitism and Racism - The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary

Antisemitism and Racism - The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary

June 2007
Japanese Party Founded by Antisemite

In June 2007 Japanese Holocaust denier Richard Koshimizu founded the Independence Party of Japan.
The homepage of the party propagates antisemitic and Holocaust denial propaganda, such as: "9-11
was generated by secret Jewdom", "9/11 was a hoax", "the American Jewish government killed its
own people" and "not even one Jew was killed in the gas chambers of Auschwitz"
Koshimizu intends to present his arguments in a public debate on the Campus Plaza in Kyoto;
however, the ADL has requested that the mayor prevent his appearance, as inflammatory speeches
are forbidden on the city-run Plaza.
Sources: JTA, 5 June 2007; Guysen Israel News, 4 June 2007; y-net 7 June 2007;
Koshimizu' homepage: http://www15.ocn.ne.jp/~oyakodon/newversion/hb1.htm


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