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(2): 2014/10/31(金)20:26 ID:/hoK3ryc0(1/3) AAS
Media Advisory: Mur Muchane named Assoc. VP for Information Technology & CIO

Wake Forest has named Mur Muchane Associate Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer (CIO). He will assume his duties in January.

Muchane, who currently serves as CIO and Executive Director of Information Technology (IT) Services at Davidson College in Davidson, N.C., is known for his creative leadership in exploring opportunities for managing campus needs through advances in technology.

In addition to improving transparency, service levels and responsiveness in IT Services, Muchane re-shaped the IT landscape at Davidson and expanded the sense of what to expect from this field. He led the effort to upgrade the campus to a fiber optic network, providing the capacity and performance necessary to meet Davidson’s rapidly growing needs of voice, video, data, high-end research and collaboration. He also helped forge Davidson’s partnership with edX ― joining universities such as Harvard, University of Chicago, MIT and Georgetown ― to produce a series of online courses and high school Advanced Placement online modules.

“Mur’s impressive experience includes listening to the needs of his community and fostering open dialogue. His track record as a collaborator has been essential in imagining the infrastructure and services that would continue to improve the application of Information Technology on a college campus,” says Wake Forest’s Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer Hof Milam.
3: 2014/10/31(金)20:38 ID:/bXhaJPg0(1/2) AAS

846: 2014/11/07(金)20:11 ID:UPTybHqc0(6/7) AAS
577 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です[] 投稿日:2014/11/07(金) 08:48:42.04 ID:RaUr8RPo0


728 名前:577[] 投稿日:2014/11/07(金) 19:16:42.06 ID:RaUr8RPo0 [2/2]

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