30664 (1000レス)

次スレ検索 歴削→次スレ 栞削→次スレ
1: 18371 2013/07/28(日)17:51 AAS
The Wyoming Incident (or The Wyoming Hijacking) is a lesser known case of television broadcast hijacking/hacking. A hacker managed to interrupt broadcasts from a local programming channel (believed to serve several smaller communities in the county of Niobrara) and aired his/her own video. The video contained numerous clips of disembodied, human heads showing various emotions and poses. The camera position changed often (usually every rednightlotus ten-to-fifteen seconds) and the video was often interrupted by a SPECIAL PRESENTATION announcement. This clip is taken from one of these intervals.
2: 2013/08/02(金)19:19 AAS
3: 2013/08/03(土)18:41 AAS
反応するもの多し スレは荒れる
4: 2013/08/03(土)18:59 AAS
5: 2013/08/04(日)00:16 AAS
6: 2013/08/04(日)18:07 AAS
2013/8/3 プロキシ専用唐澤貴洋掲示板(したらば板:internet_18410)消滅

2013/8/4〜 キャップ専用(したらば板:internet_18421
7: Κ5◆p0U5rOBFhw 2016/03/10(木)23:56 AAS

8: Κ5◆p0U5rOBFhw 2016/03/11(金)00:01 AAS

9: Κ5◆p0U5rOBFhw 2016/03/11(金)00:01 AAS

10: Κ5◆p0U5rOBFhw 2016/03/11(金)00:01 AAS

11: Κ5◆p0U5rOBFhw 2016/03/11(金)00:02 AAS

12: Κ5◆p0U5rOBFhw 2016/03/11(金)00:02 AAS

13: Κ5◆p0U5rOBFhw 2016/03/11(金)00:02 AAS

14: Κ5◆p0U5rOBFhw 2016/03/11(金)00:02 AAS

15: Κ5◆p0U5rOBFhw 2016/03/11(金)00:03 AAS

16: Κ5◆p0U5rOBFhw 2016/03/11(金)00:03 AAS

17: Κ5◆p0U5rOBFhw 2016/03/11(金)00:03 AAS

18: Κ5◆p0U5rOBFhw 2016/03/11(金)00:04 AAS

19: Κ5◆p0U5rOBFhw 2016/03/11(金)00:04 AAS

20: Κ5◆p0U5rOBFhw 2016/03/11(金)00:04 AAS

あと 980 レスあります
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル

ぬこの手 ぬこTOP 0.065s*