[過去ログ] 【森友事件】籠池夫妻が札幌で講演 「特捜部、政府の差し金」 ★2 (1002レス)

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562: 2020/01/28(火)19:43 ID:5HmlWzVr0(5/6) AAS
hypocrite and disguised society and Panamanian document

The Sanhedrim which causes terrorism using the base outside

In the country, the New Zealand prime minister who knew the atom bomb throwing down is the same

It is EU and an American financial combine to have controlled Hitler

American Secretary of State Kelly spoke the exceptional case, "the United States formed terrorist
organization ISIS to overthrow the Syrian Assad Administration".

It was said that an American main purpose in Syria was overthrow of the Assad Administration,
and Secretary Kelly told, "the U.S. Government admitted organization of ISIS to carry out this purpose".

In addition, "the United States lets find a diplomatic method of settlement that the United States expects
from Syrian President Assad by organization of ISIS and the power increase of this organization, and do it
when hoped for driving it into the retreat"; of "the United States purpose achievement of these two"
I describe some members of ISIS to save it, I armed.

The audio file of this statement of Secretary Kelly in the talk with the representative of the Syrian dissident
group was shown before this by CNN and the American newspaper New York Times, but, according to this report,
as for the part for approximately 35 minutes about the American ISIS support, it was deleted the censorship by the American media
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