[過去ログ] racism (Japan Bashing) 朝日、岩波、NYTimes (59レス)

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20: --- 2014/10/13(月)23:04 ID:0(20/55) AAS

Arudou Debito recieves his Douche award.

Published on Jun 15, 2012

Internet media whore Arudou Debito wins his award for biggest Douche in the universe.

For those of you who don't know Arudou Debito is an internet blogger who is supposed to be a civil rights activist in Japan designed to combat the racial issues Japan suffers from
when in reality he's constantly lie to people about various situations or even making events up.

Granted Japan has some serious issues that need to be addressed, but since Debito's lies only make it hard to understand the situation, i'm glad he left the country.

Head to 外部リンク:japologism.com for the latest info on pointing out how Debito lies to the press and stop this bastard from making things worse for foriegners(lies only make activism worse).

Special thanks to justinbenson6 for his Paul Watson recieves his award video which inspired me to make this.
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