俺たち在米は勝ち組だよな? 52発目 (694レス)

18: 04/13(土)20:12 ID:8i0Akmxn0(3/3) AAS
Coffee and Cots as Houston Houses Thousands in a Convention Center
HOUSTON — The rescued are almost always wet when they arrive — slick,
shuffling and staggering after hours in the rain. They are met with
blankets and a security check, dry clothes and green cots. And then
there is a feeling of relief that, for the moment, they have left the
floodwaters behind.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, hundreds of Texans were wrapped
in blankets in the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston. They
were sprawled on cots inside the gymnasium of the shuttered Abraham
Kazen Middle School in San Antonio. Across a vast region, they were
huddled inside churches, senior centers and hotels.

“It’s the first time that I’ve lost everything,” said Kapua Kauo, 41,
a home health care worker, inside the Houston convention center that,
before the disaster, had planned to host a gun show and a contemporary
art fair in the months ahead. She was stressing the positive. “I still
have my life, my husband,” she said.

But the relief of being on dry land was mixed with concern over what
was to come for many displaced Texans.

At the San Antonio school, Michelle McGowen said she could live with
the likelihood that her home was lost. But she was desperate to know
one thing: Were Uncle Jon and Uncle Paul still alive?
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