[過去ログ] 日米首脳、台湾ゆかりの場所で会談 台湾有事へ結束確認 [ぐれ★] (285レス)
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70: 2022/05/24(火)00:16:24.88 ID:f+cojMIj0(5/5) AAS

It was difficult to convict the defendant in this case.
15 of the 16 cases were acquitted in the War Crimes Tribunal, and this was the only one guilty.

In all 15 cases, prosecution witnesses and victims claimed the innocence of Japanese soldiers.
"This Japanese soldier helped us. The prosecution forced us to perjury."

Before the war, under Dutch rule, there were many Dutch-owned brothel.
Hundreds to more than a thousand European women were working,
Some were deceived or forced against their will.
There were cases where Dutch owners kidnapped Indonesian women from the village and made them sex slaves.

In particular, the two female brothel owners, known as the infamous Madam, were extremely vicious.
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