[過去ログ] 【銃刀法】「クロスボウ」不法所持に注意 法改正で許可制に [haru★] (730レス)

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(2): 2021/09/28(火)16:47 ID:9Zm31PRN0(1) AAS
The number of newly infected people is getting smaller and smaller. Hardly can you deny that it is pretty clearly owing to the vaccine. This means (you couldn't deny either) that even if Japan were governed by any other party than LDP, you could tackle corona virus successfully.

It is not how the Japanese ruler tackles the epidemic that matters most to the Japanese, but how he re-constructs the society half-collapsed by the epidemic.
In the post-war times, Japanese people praised American occupiers not because they were martially strong enough to conquest Japan, but because they made Japanese people richer and happier than they had been before the war.

I am an American, but I hardly believe that LDP can revive Japan henceforth. I sincerely hope that Japanese people will successfully choose a correct ruler who will make Japan great again
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