[過去ログ] 【コロナ速報】英国、死者4万人越す 5日 [オクタヴィアス5世★] (283レス)

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(13): オクタヴィアス5世 ★ 2020/06/05(金)23:55 ID:U66TlMxu9(1) AAS
【コロナ速報】英国、死者4万人越す 5日

Coronavirus: UK is second nation to report more than 40,000 deaths
4 minutes ago

The UK has become only the second country to report more than 40,000 coronavirus deaths, according to the latest government figures.
A total of 40,261 people have died in hospitals, care homes and the wider community after testing positive for the virus, up 357 from Thursday.
Only the US, with more than 108,000 deaths, has recorded a greater loss of life in the pandemic so far.
In Italy, previously Europe's worst-hit country, just over 33,600 have died.
Brazil has also seen fatalities rising fast, with more than 34,000 people having died after contracting the virus and daily death tolls of over 1,000 on some days.
True global comparisons may not be possible for months, experts have warned, with countries taking different approaches to the way they count fatalities.

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