[過去ログ] 【企業】ライオン、副業で働く人を公募 リモートワーク拡大追い風 [ばーど★] (66レス)

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(2): 不要不急の名無しさん 2020/06/05(金)11:55 ID:89dLGUb60(1) AAS
but, paradoxically, i am sometimes jealous to Japanese people all the more for their unhappy situations.
when i was a student and learnt the history of many bloody conflicts our forefathers made to make men free, i praised them,
but at the same time i was sorry that today the society is so emancipated that there are no social evils for me to fight against.
my adolescent romanticism sometimes made me hope that somewhere remains a room where i could take a heroic battle for the liberty and rights as Washington and Lincoln had done.
so, Japanese people are, living in the uncompleted history, happy to have a chance to make a bloody, sacred and righteous war to have themselves liberated.
あと 64 レスあります
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