[過去ログ] 【教育】遺伝子「優性・劣性」“高校教科書では別表現を”日本学術会議「一方が劣っているかのような誤解を与える」 (1002レス)
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738: 名無しさん@1周年 2019/07/08(月)08:09 ID:8Vsm/Nc+0(1/7) AAS
dominant vs recessive
787: 名無しさん@1周年 2019/07/08(月)08:23 ID:8Vsm/Nc+0(2/7) AAS
Dominant & Recessive Genes
Imagine you had two teachers in your classroom (let's hope they don't give double homework!).
If one teacher was shouting 'Take out your math homework' and the other teacher was whispering 'Open your English book,'
which instructions would you follow? Most people would probably pull out their math assignments
because those instructions were louder.

Just like these teachers, some copies of a gene are louder than others.
The instructions on these louder alleles are followed to make traits even when a copy of a quieter allele is around.
These louder alleles that are expressed over others are called dominant.
Alleles that are not expressed if a dominant allele is around are called recessive .

dominant genes ジャイアン型遺伝子
(1): 名無しさん@1周年 2019/07/08(月)08:28 ID:8Vsm/Nc+0(3/7) AAS
dominant = having power and influence over others.

recessive = relating to or denoting heritable characteristics controlled by genes which are expressed in offspring only when inherited from both parents.
841: 名無しさん@1周年 2019/07/08(月)08:36 ID:8Vsm/Nc+0(4/7) AAS

dominant = 暴力的アメリカ
recessive = 受動的日本
858: 名無しさん@1周年 2019/07/08(月)08:41 ID:8Vsm/Nc+0(5/7) AAS
948: 名無しさん@1周年 2019/07/08(月)09:05 ID:8Vsm/Nc+0(6/7) AAS
953: 名無しさん@1周年 2019/07/08(月)09:06 ID:8Vsm/Nc+0(7/7) AAS
dominant を優性と言ってるバカは、ヤクザやチンピラが優れた人たちと思ってるの?
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