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990: 03/08/06 20:34 ID:vSDiqdBi(1) AAS
The latest book by the Slovenian critic Slavoj Zizek
takes the work of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze
as the beginning of a dazzling inquiry into the realms
of politics, philosophy, film, and psychoanalysis.
This is a polemical and surprising work.
Deleuze, famous for his Anti-Oedipus (written with
Felix Guattari), emerges here as someone much closer
to the Oedipus he would disavow. Similarly,
Zizek argues for Deleuze's proximity to Hegel,
from whom the French philosopher distanced himself.
Zizek turns some Deleuzian concepts around
in order to explore the "organs without bodies"
in such films as Fight Club and the works of Hitchcock.
Finally, he attacks what he sees as the "radical chic"
Deleuzians (he names, among them, Hardt and Negri's Empire),
arguing that such projects turn Deleuze
into an ideologist of today's "digital capitalism."
Admired for its brilliant energy and fearless argumentation,
Zizek sets out to restore a truer, more radical Deleuze
than the one we thought we knew.
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