[過去ログ] ジョナサン☆サソリ【蠍】占いスレPART49 (656レス)
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(1): 2012/02/26(日)11:21 ID:7RdYCVZL(1) AAS
Scorpio Feb 26 2012
There once was a boy who had a magic stone given to him by a friend. The stone looked ordinary, but the boy discovered that whenever he asked the stone for help with a problem, the problem was magically resolved.
The boy carried the stone with him everywhere until, one day, it fell out of a hole in his pocket. That night, he asked for a miracle, but no miracle came.
Then the boy discovered that the stone had fallen into the lining of his coat, and was with him all along. He'd given the stone the power he'd once held himself.
The moral of this story is to keep your magic power in your heart, and YOU can make miracles happen.
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