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742(2): 2020/12/06(日)10:16 ID:zwm26ccS0(1) AAS
'Rapelay' The author's latest novel, Adult GAME 'Zeroplay', is discontinued.
There was a leak from a voice actor's office.
As the leading role of 'Zeroplay' in [Yosaku], voice actor H,
who had also appeared in 'DemonSlayer' took part in the film under a different name, and the filming ended in March 2020.
And 'Zeroplay' was scheduled to be released in October of the same year.
However, due to the unexpected hit of the anime 'DemonSlayer', the voice actor agency to which 【 H 】 belongs requested the release of 'Zeroplay' to FANZA,
the distributor, and as a result of the negotiation, the 'Rapelay' creator [Yakuba Hairu] was re-contracted to participate in the social game scenario team of 'DemonSlayer', and in exchange,
the development of 'Zeroplay' was cancelled.
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