[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part34 [無断転載禁止]©bbspink.com (253レス)

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95: 2016/08/17(水)22:30 ID:RYe8uTSl(2/2) AAS
Please separete professional threads, because you are too naiive to operrate them.


Thank you, yours Japanease.
96: 2016/08/29(月)23:54 ID:TeTSf4au(1) AAS
Ronin Vicious wasting
1. The act which wastes and accords with that by a script
2. Multiple posting
3. The thread busting by KOPIPE

1. スクリプトによる荒らし、およびそれに準ずる行為
2. マルチポスト
3. コピペによるスレッド潰し

2chスレ:erocg 2016/08/25(木) 01:17:14.31
2chスレ:erocg 2016/08/25(木) 00:49:29.33
2chスレ:erocg 2016/08/29(月) 20:38:12.32
97: 2016/09/08(木)20:36 ID:oFZ9Q33v(1) AAS

667 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[] 投稿日:2016/09/08(木) 13:43:45.37 ID:L38HLlVg0 [1/2]
Jim is taking a rest now.
Let's leave him alone.

(4): 2016/09/20(火)23:40 ID:z9KQ5+l+(1) AAS
Hi Jim-san,

We have come here to let you know about the situation the hikky board is currently in.
The hikky board has been under severe attack for more than 2 years and the intensity of the attack has increased significantly since early this month.
The total number of posts per day there had been around 1200 on average until early this month, including posts by the trolls, but it's now more than 5000 per day.
It translates that more than 80% of the posts there are made by the trolls and more than 90% of the threads there are created by the trolls.
They seem to be using bots to post auto-generated messages there.

The trolls are being seen conducting similar distructive activities at different boards, such as the book board, mental health board and news related boards, in 2ch as well.
Their persistent distructive activities severely damaged such boards, especially the hikky boards, leaving residents there leave 2ch itself.

We decided to let kyou know the situation, here at your thread, because their attack is massive, very persistent (for more than 2 years) and across boards.

We hope you take some measures to brings those boards back to normal.
99: 2016/09/21(水)05:15 ID:5E3/avRr(1) AAS
I'm >>98

Out of the top 110 threads in the hikky board, only 3 threads were created by residents there (showin in the pictures below, with green boxes), one thread is a commercial thread by 2ch and the rest 106 threads were created by trolls.

Threads No. 1 - 55

Threads No. 56 - 110

The attackers are using bot programs to make their meaningless threads afloat and to prevent the board from working.
(1): 2016/09/24(土)13:05 ID:VY/KEW5+(1/3) AAS
Follow-up. I'm 98.
The troll says his ronin got burned.
Thank you, Jim-san!

101: 2016/09/24(土)13:07 ID:VY/KEW5+(2/3) AAS
But, still, other trolls are posting auto-generated posts there by using bots.
(1): 2016/09/24(土)15:47 ID:VY/KEW5+(3/3) AAS
The troll has purchased another ronin and he has started creating garbage threads at the hikky board.

He says ronin is like a cheating tool in a video game with which you can destroy the game to your heart content.
The tool is sold at only 500 yen by the governing body and such games are destined to end their lives soon.
103: 2016/09/25(日)08:43 ID:IZQdERDF(1) AAS

No new garbage threads have been created, except one thread, since I wrote >>100.
Maybe the troll who is in charge of creating threads stopped his destructive activities following the ban of his ronin, and possibly he could create only one thread (the one thread) without ronin.

Other trolls are still posting auto-generated messages using bots, but the board regained some calmness as no new garbage threads have been created.

Thank you very much, Jim-san and other people, for the measures.
104: 2016/11/04(金)20:46 ID:P5LWEjFz(1) AAS
Hi Jim.
Please change the configuration of the Physics board.
Thank you.

1, board name &URL of the bulletin board

2, the thread which I discussed
Argumented thread

The thread that was damaged
105: あさいち 2016/11/20(日)03:50 ID:4/f8X/Lz(1) AAS
106: 2016/11/26(土)20:40 ID:xa37bhtW(1) AAS
Where is my melon points?
I want you to return it to me as soon as possible.
107: 2017/06/15(木)19:10 ID:GNE/IMc+(1/2) AAS
Ronin is outo of oreder now.
Please recover.
108: 2017/06/15(木)19:29 ID:GNE/IMc+(2/2) AAS
Was the specification changed?
109: ◆CeW93PG4UUua 2017/08/26(土)03:29 ID:q+EhEuV9(1) AAS
Hello, Jim-san. I am an akb BBS user.
We are in trouble.
akb BBS setting is lost.
Please correct.
BBS_USE_VIPQ2 is disabled.
It is inconvenient.

Error setting
110: 2017/08/29(火)02:18 ID:OAMpkSiF(1) AAS
I want you to change configuration of future board. Let us feel comfortable and keep us stay in 2ch.

0.Here is setting file.
1. Board name and URL.

2. Thread where debated about changes.
未来技術板 自治スレッド
111: うふ〜ん [うふ〜ん] AAS
(1): 薫 ◆KAorU/M./QDl 2017/11/05(日)06:11 ID:kO4rdacw(1) AAS
Hi, Jim-san!
113: ジム@ヨガピッグ ★ 2017/11/06(月)10:12 ID:CAP_USER(4/16) AAS
114: 薫 ◆KAorU/M./QDl 薫 ★ 2017/11/06(月)14:25 ID:CAP_USER(5/16) AAS
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