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25: 2014/02/26(水)23:56:19.71 ID:AG2xlWDO(25/26) AAS
359 名前:AirRock ◆FRX00.G90/ee [sage] 投稿日:2014/02/22(土) 13:36:03.71 ID:4q6U1AT5 [1/8]
Hi, Jim-san.

I'd like to ask you of the future operational policy in 2ch.
There is a law of handling personal information in Japan.
there are many cases of the unwanted personal information revealing.
finally, those ISPs where the illegal message postied person belonging are restricted.
and, I saw so many act duplicated again and again after the restriction ends.
this is an endless game, I found.

what I felt through their actions are;
- however I send a mail to the abuse handler to an ISP, they ignores it. so, nothing for troublemaker.
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