[過去ログ] Talk about a dedicated browser. (71レス)

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(1): anonymous 2013/11/06(水)21:11 ID:p+D7AI7t(1/4) AAS
his is my private manuscript(note of concerns). Not official message to CodeMonkey-san.
Other participants might add their opinion for this..

Theme: identification/synchronize/bookmark? 思いつきで書いた

multiple posts PAGE#1
How are you going to identify an account? by mailaddress and registered password? by nickname and its password?
or, some other information like cookie based something which was already generated at the last access?
Do the d-browser stores read-pointer of every thread, bookmarks of boards/threads?
(1): 2013/11/06(水)21:47 ID:p+D7AI7t(2/4) AAS
Q1106-5:もし、鯖側の情報とローカルの情報が食い違ったら、どっちを優先させるの? 鯖側固定?
When the STATE having difference between the one in server side and user_local side, which priors to the other?
Only server side? judged after the comparision of their timestamps?
Q1106-5memo: PCの初期化で日付は新しいが記述内容がほぼ空のiniファイルが作られたようなとき、
memo: If the user had an OS error and rolled back to the previous state, its STATE might differ.
In case of accidental cookie flushing in a device, d-browser may renew the STATE file,
39: 2013/11/06(水)22:07 ID:p+D7AI7t(3/4) AAS
page#3 will be delayed,
maybe tomorrow
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2013/11/06(水)22:54 ID:??? AAS
Thank you for your wonderful questions. Does anybody have any opinions about these questions?
If you have an opinion, please talk now. I have an opinion, but I will wait to hear your opinions before I talk.
I want to make a community browser that everyone can enjoy. I want to hear everybody's opinion before I begin coding this project.
Thank you very much.
(1): anonymous 2013/11/06(水)23:37 ID:p+D7AI7t(4/4) AAS
you're welcome. ah,, I feel so sorry for you
since I'm talking about many restrictive items for you.

Page#3 will describe two items; the privacy policy/statement of the service
and the alternative path for the main mail address failure..
42: Code Monkey ★ 2013/11/07(木)00:50 ID:??? AAS
I dont feel it is too restrictive. I just want to make a good product. We still have two weeks before I start coding.
Lets figure out exactly what features and restrictions will be needed before I start coding.
(1): anonymous 2013/11/08(金)00:03 ID:lVuqjwwz(1) AAS
sorry, i'm busy now. so i simply listing seeds of items in J.
maybe here agn tonight.

part#3 is;

and so on.
Q1107-5:将来、有料化? サービスの全部または一部が。
44: Code Monkey ★ 2013/11/08(金)13:31 ID:??? AAS
Privacy is my number one concern.
(1): anonymous 2013/11/18(月)19:28 ID:Eq/BQn3j(1) AAS
do you have written(=already described) software specification for d-browser?
it seems better to ask/point/show details about it when people having/found something about it.
or, do i need to start from scratch?

(1): 2013/11/18(月)20:08 ID:6Pj7cuZ2(1) AAS
How does the cloud-based dedicated browser post messages?
Does it post directly from the client-side host?
That means the cloud server works only to store data.
Or, does it post via the cloud server?
That means the cloud server works as a proxy like the 2ch official P2.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2013/11/18(月)20:23 ID:??? AAS
Do you think the dedicated browser should post via the cloud server, or post directly from the client-side host?
Currently we are in the planning stage. We could make the browser work with either method.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2013/11/18(月)20:25 ID:??? AAS
I have not started writing the software specification yet. I will begin writing the specification on November 20th.
If you want to help write the specification, then we can work on it together.
(1): 許早苗 2013/11/18(月)20:36 ID:y1Zwuvpj(1/2) AAS
I am looking forward to the new browser of Ronald.
50: Code Monkey ★ 2013/11/18(月)20:39 ID:??? AAS
I prefer Ron.
(1): 許早苗 2013/11/18(月)20:52 ID:y1Zwuvpj(2/2) AAS
All right. Ron :)
52: Code Monkey ★ 2013/11/18(月)20:56 ID:??? AAS
Lets make an awesome dedicated browser together.
(1): 2013/11/20(水)09:09 ID:4GBuNji5(1) AAS
No, I don't think so.
It sounds good if we can select which method the dedicated browser uses.
As for me, it is interesting if I can use it as yet another P2.
But, in that case, I wonder whether it is free or not.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2013/11/21(木)00:34 ID:??? AAS
Does P2 cost money to use?
We can discuss about whether this new dedicated browser will be free or not.
I have begun working on the browser already. In a few days I will begin publishing some things that need to be translated into Japanese.
I will also provide a working demo version as soon as I can (probably before the end of November).
55: Code Monkey ★ 2013/11/22(金)14:07 ID:??? AAS
I am still working on the plan and design of the browser. This weekend I will release a list of words and phrases that should be translated into Japanese.
I am working on the front-end design first, and will make it look great before I begin implementing the backend stuff.
This way, we will have more time to talk about the backend functions, such as which method of posting we will use.
56: Code Monkey ★ 2013/11/25(月)14:58 ID:??? AAS
Please wait, I am still working on the graphical UI design.
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