[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part19 (1001レス)
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(3): 2012/06/04(月)15:22 ID:rEL6G8Gt(2/4) AAS

There are a huge number of 2ch-viewer users whose posts were inoffensive at all
but contained fatally personal information such as their medical biography, being gay or their origins--
personal information that they couldn't tell anybody around them but could pour out only on 2ch
because their anonymity was ensured.

It's unreasonable that their privacies are abused, just because they paid for 2ch-viwer.
That might be crucial damages for their social life.

I beg you again, please delete the log of the period, or make the time stamps invisible.
(2): 2012/06/04(月)15:22 ID:ULr23nAN(4/11) AAS

Do you know additional maru data was leaked yesterday?
The crime is still going on and damages are spreading.

Would you please contact police authorities in Japan and US to issue a complaint report
and ask them to investigate this crime, A.S.A.P.

Also I would like you to take immediate actions to delete time stamps of 2ch logs of the period in question,
as called for by >>826 & >>834.
945: 2012/06/04(月)15:23 ID:h2AdNYd5(1) AAS

See >>834

Some users are trolls or slanderers, but others are not.
There are people whose posts were not offensive but contained too private information.
946: 2012/06/04(月)15:23 ID:wD7EDtTz(1) AAS
I agree
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