[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part5 (611レス)
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(1): jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/09/16(日)15:35 ID:??? AAS
>>252 >>254
I will discuss this online tonight when Mumumu-san gets back.
I would like to make things here a happy place too, and I am not certain
which way is best. Just converting old logs to kakologs
and starting new, or moving old logs to the current server.
Redbrick is Redbrick. The is an anonymous place, people are whoever their handle says they are.
(1): 2007/09/16(日)15:46 ID:wssDp/YI(3/4) AAS
Move old logs to the current server, please.
Most Users hope so, I think.
Redbrick is not user.
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