[過去ログ] なぜ日本人が英語難民かを真面目に考察するスレ 15 (1002レス)
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840(1): 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GBW 0H32-lCj4) 2023/08/28(月)17:55 ID:JWFYdzgKH(1/6) AAS
I lied about my history on Discord, I'm 0% Japanese. I have never lived in Japan. I can explain further on Discord, send me a message.
841(2): 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GBW 0H32-lCj4) 2023/08/28(月)18:00 ID:JWFYdzgKH(2/6) AAS
when I made my Discord account I didn't ever expect to become the owner of a huge server or to do anything useful on it.
I am an actual weeaboo, I started to join general servers and introduce myself with details I made up
You get really good treatment in anime servers if you are at least some bit Japanese
But I started making lots of friends on these servers, and bringing them across to other servers, where I would meet more and more people. I couldn't just turn back on the fact that I lied about being part Japanese, so I just kept on saying it.
Nowadays I care less about keeping a Discord identity, so I usually correct people when they bring it up.
Hope this clears up some doubts.
845(1): 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GBW 0H32-lCj4) 2023/08/28(月)18:09 ID:JWFYdzgKH(3/6) AAS
I've told the truth to others before
I didn't just make it up now
851(1): 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GBW 0H32-lCj4) 2023/08/28(月)18:49 ID:JWFYdzgKH(4/6) AAS
2000年代初頭、日本の大衆文化に熱心な人々を指す言葉として、4chanに由来する侮蔑的なフレーズがインターネット上で広まり始めた[要出典]。2002年に登場した、これに関連するワパニーズ(Wapanese)という言葉は、日本人志望者(wannabe-Japanese)または白人日本人(white Japanese)を意味し、アニメや漫画などの日本文化に夢中になっている白人を意味する用語として使用された。「日本カブレ」「日本人気取り」とも訳される。ニコラス・グレウィッチ(Nicholas Gurewitch)による漫画『ザ・ペリー・バイブル・フェローシップ(英語版)』で、今日のような意味を持たない言葉として初めてウィアブー(Weeaboo)という用語が使われていた[2][3]。
865: 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GB 0H32-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)20:11 ID:JWFYdzgKH(5/6) AAS
Yeah... if I could go back in time I would just be up-front about it, but my desire to be Japanese was so strong back then.
I was a teenager so yeah I guess it's obvious I'd do stupid things like that.
By the way your English is so natural! I thought you were just an English native that moved to Japan!
I'm really interested in talking with you more.
I'm really sorry I'm disturbing the thread, I originally came here to talk about learning methods, but I guess I went too off-topic.
I really don't want to derail this thread anymore, so anyone that comes here to talk to me can you just add me on Discord instead? My username is "shoui".
867: 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GB 0H32-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)21:25 ID:JWFYdzgKH(6/6) AAS
You're damn amazing at putting bits and pieces together then. I kneel.
I honestly can't tell you apart from a native.
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