[過去ログ] 【NHK】世界へ発信!ニュース&SNS英語術 (1002レス)
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776: (ワッチョイ ff6c-98Hx) 2020/01/13(月)09:57 ID:x2RNVmo80(1/7) AAS
Personally, I cannot wait for you to see the work that the actors on this stage have done.
スクリプトはthis だが
on the stageっていってる気がする
777: (ワッチョイ ff6c-98Hx) 2020/01/13(月)10:14 ID:x2RNVmo80(2/7) AAS
Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is on a five day trip to the middle east
to share his concerns about rising tensions in the region.
Abe’s first stop is Saudi Arabia where he met with King Salman bin Abdulaziz.
The leader’s house talks in a palace in the Saudi capital, Riyadh on Sunday
It was their third summit and the first since March 2017.
780: (ワッチョイ ff6c-98Hx) 2020/01/13(月)14:31 ID:x2RNVmo80(3/7) AAS
Japan’s star badminton player Kento Momota has injured in a car accident in Malaysia.
Momota, the world’s number one in men’s singles suffered a broken nose and cuts
He had won first place in an international badminton tournament on Sunday in Kuala Lumpur
Malaysian rescue officials say the accident occurred around at 5 am Monday local time
Momota was in a vehicle heading for Kuala Lumpur's international airport when it collided with a truck
The drive of the vehicle was killed.
Momota and three others were taken to a hospital in Kuala Lumpur
781: (ワッチョイ ff6c-98Hx) 2020/01/13(月)14:38 ID:x2RNVmo80(4/7) AAS
Japan’s star badminton player Kento Momota has been injured in a car accident in Malaysia.
Momota, the world’s number one player in men’s singles suffered a broken nose and cuts
He had won first place in an international badminton tournament on Sunday in Kuala Lumpur
Malaysian rescue officials say the accident occurred around at 5 am Monday local time
Momota was in a vehicle heading for Kuala Lumpur's international airport when it collided with a truck
The drive of the vehicle was killed.
Momota and three others were taken to a hospital in Kuala Lumpur
782: (ワッチョイ ff6c-98Hx) 2020/01/13(月)14:46 ID:x2RNVmo80(5/7) AAS
He had won first place → He had one his.. ah.. He had won first place
at→at around 5 am
Monday local time → (on) Monday, local time
The drive → The driver
783: (ワッチョイ ff6c-98Hx) 2020/01/13(月)15:12 ID:x2RNVmo80(6/7) AAS
in a car crash ( ゚Д゚)( ゚Д゚)( ゚Д゚)( ゚Д゚)
784: (ワッチョイ ff6c-98Hx) 2020/01/13(月)15:25 ID:x2RNVmo80(7/7) AAS
NHK WORLDって多少表現かえながら放送してんだな
Japanese world number one badminton player Kento Momota has been injured in a car
crash in Malaysia.
The 25 year old suffered a broken nose and cut his mouth
He’d just won an international tournament in Kuala Lumpur
Rescue officials say the accident occurred at around 5 am Monday local time
Momota was a passenger in a car that rear-ended a truck on an expressway to Kuala Lumpur international airport
The car’s driver was killed.
Momota and three other injured passengers were treated in hosipital
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